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Popular games you couldn’t really get into?

I never could make it through Metroid Prime. I can see why people liked it, but Metroid just isn't for me.
Oh there are so many, and I'm sure there are gonna be lot of gasps when people see my list, because most of these are exceedingly popular titles -

Zelda - Breath of the World
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Super Smash Bro
Pokemon (any installments later than X and Y)
Numerous RPG titles outside of KH and FF series

Then there are the mobile games: Pokemon Go, Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, Genshin Impact (to be fair, I was initially really engrossed by it, to the point where I would consider spending real money for the gacha, but glad i didn't because I lost interest in it rather quickly)
mario galaxy. i know it’s a fan favourite of the series, and i’m sure it’s ultimately a good game, but when i played it i struggled with the controls so much that it dampened the experience for me and i didn’t want to try again. 😅 still don’t.
Oh thank heavens, I'm not the only one. I want to revisit both those games one day to see if I change my mind, but something about the Galaxy series just felt really off to me, so I didn't quite understand why they kept topping lists as the best games in the series. I thought that maybe I was just getting to an age where nothing really impressed me anymore, but when I played Odyssey later, I was so completely taken aback by how much I loved virtually every aspect of it. So I'm not entirely sure what it is about Galaxy that just doesn't do it for me.
Minecraft, Fortnite, Stardew Valley, and Call of Duty just to name a few.

I personally don't like a lot of the fanbases that follow said games and was never into them.

I always preferred Harvest Moon (Story of Seasons) as my choice farm game so Stardew was not cutting it for me. It was cheap so I bought it to try but I just stopped right after I got to the farm.

I played the Fortnite beta and thought it was pretty addicting for a bit but then grew bored of it shortly afterward. I didn't like the building factor. It's fanbase was just not it for me either.

Not a fan of most FPS (unless they are unique in some way to grab my attention) so CoD wasn't my cup of tea.

Minecraft wasn't half bad but I did grow tired of it as I preferred to just play AC if I wanted to world build.
Zelda Ocarina of Time. I tried so many times to play the game and even made a pretty good amount of progress in it, but I just could not get into it. I eventually ended up giving up on it altogether because each time I played it I just was not enjoying the time I spent with it. I certainly was not expecting that to be the case seeing as Majora's Mask is my favorite game of all time. I could not get into Twilight Princess either. I also never got into Splatoon because the online multiplayer in the first one wasn't even remotely enjoyable for me, since (in my personal experience anyway) the game's matchmaking system was hot garbage. Perhaps I just got really unlucky with it or something, who knows.
Pokemon Sword (and by proxy Shield). I used to get both versions of the game. For 7 generations I did just that. Even before I bought the game, I felt there was something off about it. The graphics were like they were for the 3DS and Dexit didnt help either. I played the whole game (including the DLC) and was extremely disappointed. It just lacked something. But thanks to that I bought other games and enjoying them now.

A friend wanted me to play Minecraft. I tried it and it felt weird for a world-building game. I prefer Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley.
Super Mario 64/Odyssey/any Mario that is 3D and or supposed to be somewhat platformer. I mean the motion/camera controlling makes me sick and it's so damn flimsy. Also honestly the game aren't that good, to me it's basically people like it cause memes and they were new for their times? Sunshine was alright cause GCN controllers actually made sense and it was alright to play, and fun for real and not really "lol cool new thing" to me.
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Zelda Ocarina of Time. I tried so many times to play the game and even made a pretty good amount of progress in it, but I just could not get into it.
This, though I never liked MM either. I played both but honestly most overrated and steep games to get into. I mean the worst are the DS ones for sure but those two come not too far away on being on worst list of LoZ games.
I love the storytelling; that is honestly the main reason I loved the series. They made me think about the current political problems at the time (when I was playing them for the first time) and thinking how different would my country act from the way they were portrayed in that game (or in anime like gits) had they been in a similar situation. I suck at the being sneaky though. I did have some issues with the way phantom pain was set up and had credits after or before every mission like it was a tv episode or something though.
I do like that he has something to say with his games, I just don't like the way he does it. Sometimes I wonder if he's in the right medium. But I have to respect Kojima because he does his own thing even if it's not my cup of tea.
Smash Ultimate. :( I realized I'm just not dedicated or good enough at this game to unlock all the characters. I wish I could get the game refunded since I barely touch it.
Smash Ultimate. :( I realized I'm just not dedicated or good enough at this game to unlock all the characters. I wish I could get the game refunded since I barely touch it.
Smash Ultimate was quite the disappointment to me, and unlocking all of the characters was a nightmare. But then again, my favorite in the series is still Brawl, so make of that what you will.
I haven’t actively tried zelda since I tried in on the n64 when I was a kid. A few times my interest was slightly peeked to try it again or BOTW since I loved riding Epona around in Ocarina of Time (in fact that was all I did besides messing with the cuckoos since the enemies and some of the combat music scared me like the one when you encounter those plant things with those weird octopi villager mouths and the poes scared me too) and I love horses. Still not really interested tbh; there are other games I’d like to try more.

Pokemon from Black & Y on: I didn’t like either of these for some reason. And hearing what they did with Sword and Shield bugs me and the removal of gambling. I loved the pokeslots and the gambling in the old games.

Resident Evil: not into scary or horror games. I did play a bit of bloodbourne and the fourth Resident Evil completely but it was with a then friend (we’re not friends anymore) over. Wouldn’t have played them on my own.

Monster Hunter: that same guy suggested when I was looking to spend money I was saving for some dlc for FE Fates that never came to try generations. i got it assuming we’d play together but he never got it since he is known to be extremely cheap and not thoughtful at all. I tried it on my own a few minutes but didn’t get far. Just never was interested in it even though the cats are cute.
Super Mario Bros. 3. I don't know why but I've just never been able to get into this game. Which is strange because I really should love everything about it (the 2D Mario games are some of my absolute favorites).

I've never played it for very long. Usually I just stop after the first world. Someday I'm gonna give it an honest go I tell myself, but there's always something else I'd rather play.
I haven’t tried a lot of Mario games so I guess that might be another one I could add to my list. I do want to eventually play some of the old ones that I had on the nes. Not sure which ones we had though. I like Paper Mario or at least what I’ve played, original Mario Party (1-4), Mario 64 maybe, and I want to retry Mario Sunshine, but aside from that, had no interest in the other Mario games. I’d be interested in the Super Mario 3D world because of the cat suits, but I know I will just fall and die a lot 😅.
Among Us for sure.

I'm probably gonna sound like an elitist or something, but I played it and thought... This is just a way worse, boring version of Space Station 13. I know SS13 is hard to learn, but even when you have no idea what's happening it's hilarious, and there's way more possibilities of stuff that can happen.
Mass Effect. Bought the trilogy and couldn't get past the first ~3 hours. I'm sure it picks up but the first few hours is such a slog that it drained my will to play - not helped by the fact that the "running" speed is so slow. Returned it soon after.
A big one for me is the entire Resident Evil franchise. I love to watch playthroughs of those games...but, I've never wanted to actually play them. And it isn't the horror element. It's just...they aren't my speed of game. I don't care for all of the inventory management and stuff. Even before youtube was a thing, I always loved watching my brother play the PS1 games. But, yeah...I never had any desire to play them myself. Even with half the games given away for free with 'Games with Gold', and the other ones constantly on sale...I always look at them and say "yeah...I wouldn't actually play them".
Off the top of my head, these are the games that I don’t like.

-Any platform game or games with platform levels.

-Any Mario game. At first I thought that it was because I’m awful at platform games. Yet, I still haven’t finished the 3ds version of Paper Mario even though the levels were easy.

-Kid Icarus Uprising. I didn’t get the hang of the controls.
Mario galaxy for sure, i still dont get why people love it so much, playing it made me dizzy lol

a lot of large open world games dont do it for me either, theres so much things to do in them, but unless the story is really good i end up getting bored after a few hours

edit: forgot to mention the elder scrolls games, most boring games ever made
Red Dead Redemption 2. I really enjoyed the first one way back on PS3, but I just found all the added "realism" mechanics to just absolutely bring the game down. Not interested in weapon maintenance, not interested in skincare, not interested in eating the right amount, just ughhhhhhhhh. I feel like I'd actually be interested in the game if all those extra bits and bobs weren't there.
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