Rate the song above you!

8/10 I like the funky sound of it, but unfortunately I've never played Pokemon black/white so I don't have any nostalgia for it.

I love this song so much #__#
Haven't even listen to the song again but.. do to the track record dpp being bad untill champions ( sorry
.) 4/10

Starships by uhh..... Someone....

Summertime loving ( loving in the summer time)
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8/10 not really my taste but it is pretty catchy

this song defined a part of my childhood lol I miss this game so much
9/10 lol

All Around The World - Mura Masa (feat. Desiigner)
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Cake by the ocean? Dcne

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Cake by the ocean? Dcne

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this is ✔✔✔ you cannot deny this listen to it

Picked up Pokemon black 2 and I started in driftvill right after I beaten the gym months ago so 11/10 ( look at my post above for something to rate )