Roots of Pacha Farm Sim


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2020
Light Brown Scenery
Zen Easter Egg
Zen Easter Egg
Zen Easter Egg
Light Brown Scenery
Light Brown Scenery
Plum Blossom
Plum Blossom
Plum Blossom
Light Brown Scenery
I was curious if anyone else gained and interest in Roots of Pacha. I played the demo yesterday and found it really interesting. (Demo ends 6/20/22) It definitely has Stardew Valley vibes but the game is different.
You discover your food and then discover the seeds for you to plant and you get knowledge levels based on foraging and reaping and other things.
You contribute supplies you find to your clan and you clan members eventually come up with ideas they need your help executing such as a sundial to be able to tell the time or a stall to house livestock. Because of this very thing, I feel like the NPCs play a critical role in the game which is really neat and makes it feel more social. The Villagers have a friendship system to them, some are romance-able. Even animals have a friendship system because you have to tame them to recruit them.
There appears to be a cave system that has puzzle challenges in them. I don't know if combat is a thing, but I didn't see it in the demo.
I am not too crazy about the fishing mechanic but it is doable with time.
It seems you can pick different skills like Stardew did. The days feel longer than Stardew's so I didn't feel rushed and it does have a stamina system but it isn't harsh. Passing out at the end of the day isn't harsh either.
I thought it was a creative way to go about a farm sim and to me, it felt like it was well done. It has the launch date of 2022.
Now I was actually going to pick up Littlewood when my Steam Deck came in, but now I kinda wonder if I should go for this game instead pending it is deck compatible.

I asked about what platforms they are launching on through discord and they said:
the demo and early access are on steam (for PC), but the full release would be for PC, followed by Switch, PlayStation, and XBox

Discover, gather, and farm vegetables and herbs. Explore the surrounding wilderness to find animals to befriend and domesticate; fish the shallow and deep waters to see what lies in their depths; and mine the darkest caves filled with mysteries and secret powers. Begin your journey of discovery as you develop the tools and ideas that reshaped the primitive world. Learn to process and preserve food (meat, vegetarian, and vegan options), begin metalworking, create beautiful pottery and art, unlock your clan’s spirituality, and invent new buildings to expand your village any way you want. A tight-knit community of people will ensure your village’s survival, each with their own fears and dreams. Develop friendships and overcome hardships together. Grow your village by inviting people from other clans to live with you. Participate in primitive festivals and rituals to Pacha, mother nature, and her elements. And when the time comes, find your true love ❤. Customize your character’s appearance with the best cosmetics the stone age has to offer. When you’re done working on your face, work on creating the most amazing farm around. Don’t stop there! Design, place, and decorate your own unique home to return to after a hard day’s work. The game was developed from scratch with multiplayer support in mind. Live together with friends and share your talents and resources to help the clan evolve. Ride your favorite animals together. Compete in fishing, have fun at festivals, and participate in milestone multiplayer cutscenes.