TBT’s Third Egg Decorating Contest

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“Watch out Dom, there’s something behind you…!”


Decided to celebrate Easter by peeping the horrors! Materials used include cardboard-covered styrofoam craft egg, felt, clay, cardboard, toothpicks, markers, paper, and acrylic paint. Turnip-Zipper monstrosity obviously inspired by this site’s recent banners.




Wow! It's going to be hard to vote! Many favs already.

I think I will have to pass this year, I bought everything a week ago, but every day something else comes up, the universe doesn't want me to decorate that egg. (trying to trick the bad eye here)

crescent moon egg wand

you can really tell how obsessed with the brand new crescent egg i am by this entry huh? as soon as i saw it, i instantly knew i wanted to make a version of usagi's first moon stick, but ya know, eggier :^) as a big fan of the magical girl genre from the time i was really little, this is a total labour of love. i struggled a bit with using a new medium (i remolded the clay so many times over bro it did not want to stick together) but i had a blast the whole entire time. i used a craft easter egg, air dry clay, paint, mod podge sealer, glitter, some of my tears, and little glitter rhinestones c:​



Here's mine. I'm not good with this sort of thing and smudged some paint since I thought some parts were dry when they weren't. 😅 Just tried going for some kind of rainbow effect but it looked better in my head...


wasn't sure if we needed multiple views or not but here's more


crescent moon egg… egg! 🌙

definitely one of my favorite egg collectibles to be released so far, the pastel colors are too perfect and it was super fun to make. I used a craft egg, way too much acrylic paint, and some string lights to create the glowing effect on the inside! 💫


the egg carving carnage, shavings were everywhere 😐


the painting process took quite a bit of mixing to get close to the real collectible, but I’m proud! painting the inside was a pain though-
really wanted to do a Festivale theme w this one since I love colorful feathers!! 🌈

the base is made out of clay stuffed w aluminum foil, really wish I remembered to take progress pics! 😭
the base and egg are painted w acrylic paint, and the feathers are colored with colored pencils and outlined in marker! and ofc the rhinestones bc fabulous eggy ✨

I didnt paint the bottom of the base so here's that as well as a sneak peek of the bottom/back of the eggy!
My entry! I went with a cherry blossom egg. I painted a plastic craft egg with acrylic paints.
A closer look at the egg. Those blossoms were hard to paint.

"Hey, give that back!" A pose I decided against featuring the other side of the egg.
I thought it would be a cute concept to turn an egg into a basket of eggs, I used felt cut into the shape of eggs and twine to wrap around to look like a basket and even a handle :>

Just another image to show there is an egg there lol, it is a plastic craft egg
I thought it would be a cute concept to turn an egg into a basket of eggs, I used felt cut into the shape of eggs and twine to wrap around to look like a basket and even a handle :>

Just another image to show there is an egg there lol, it is a plastic craft egg
Hi @Irescien, this doesn't fit the brief I'm afraid so we cannot accept it. The task was to paint the egg itself. Egg holders are accepted as optional extras only in addition to a decorated egg. You are welcome to resubmit if you can decorate an egg by 11:59PM EST tonight (Sun, 16 Apr).
Chrissy's Spring Egg Hunt 😊🐰🌼


I painted a boiled egg for Chrissy's head (which has been sitting on my dining table for three days now, so I'm afraid she's going in the bin as soon as my entry is accepted!). Her body is made from polymer clay, and her dress is fabric. The eggs are also polymer clay. The flowers are made from wire, polymer clay and fabric! The base is a disposable cakeboard that I've painted.

Also just reusing my TBT fair tag

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Biblically accurate angel 👼
I used acrylic paint, paper for the wings, and shredded paper for the nest.
Thy Holy Hand Grenegg of Antioch

View attachment 491168

"O Lord, bless this thy hand grenegg, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy."

View attachment 491169

And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenegg of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

YESSSSSSS!!!!! Omg I luv it so much!!! 1… 2….. 5!!!
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