The No Man's Sky Thread!


Pit main from the pits of heck
Jun 5, 2023
White Lily
White Lily
White Pansy
White Lily
White Lily
Galaxolotl Star Fragment
Space Whale Plush
Camp Bell Tree 2023 Patch
S.S. Dolphin

No Man's Sky is a game about exploration and survival in an infinite procedurally generated universe.​

Inspired by the adventure and imagination that we love from classic science-fiction, No Man's Sky presents you with a galaxy to explore, filled with unique planets and lifeforms, and constant danger and action.

In No Man's Sky, every star is the light of a distant sun, each orbited by planets filled with life, and you can go to any of them you choose. Fly smoothly from deep space to planetary surfaces, with no loading screens, and no limits. In this infinite procedurally generated universe, you'll discover places and creatures that no other players have seen before - and perhaps never will again.

Embark on an epic voyage
At the centre of the galaxy lies a irresistible pulse which draws you on a journey towards it to learn the true nature of the cosmos. But, facing hostile creatures and fierce pirates, you'll know that death comes at a cost, and survival will be down to the choices you make over how you upgrade your ship, your weapon and suit.

Find your own destiny
Your voyage through No Man's Sky is up to you. Will you be a fighter, preying on the weak and taking their riches, or taking out pirates for their bounties? Power is yours if you upgrade your ship for speed and weaponry.

Or a trader? Find rich resources on forgotten worlds and exploit them for the highest prices. Invest in more cargo space and you'll reap huge rewards.

Or perhaps an explorer? Go beyond the known frontier and discover places and things that no one has ever seen before. Upgrade your engines to jump ever farther, and strengthen your suit for survival in toxic environments that would kill the unwary.

Share your journey
The galaxy is a living, breathing place. Trade convoys travel between stars, factions vie for territory, pirates hunt the unwary, and the police are ever watching. Every other player lives in the same galaxy, and you can choose to share your discoveries with them on a map that spans known space. Perhaps you will see the results of their actions as well as your own...

With the recent release of Expedition Ten: "Singularity," (which is a free update that has recently been made available on Switch.) I've decided to make a thread about this infinite universe and infinitely entertaining (may not apply to most people) space game!
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I love No Man's Sky with a passion, it's a very satisfying experience to me. I do wish there was more ship customization though. I should really pick it up again sometime. :0
glad to find a fellow player! Recently hopped back into my normal save file, and spent so much time looking over the new features of the Interceptor update. To me, going out and finding the many varieties of ships, whether by finding them on my own or by going to glyph addresses to certain cool-looking ones is one of my favorite things, but I can totally see how the same red and yellow fighter or blue and white toilet-paper shaped shuttles you find in space stations might be annoying.
In my creative mode file, the system I have my home in is inhabited by a number of other players, so I've started a building project to make some kind of "Gracia System Community Center." to join together our galactic neighborhood :> (I think it's pretty that the proc gen name for the system is Gracia)
I used to play this game a lot over the last several years, but I kind of lost interest. I still love the concept of the game, but feel maybe it's limited by our time and technology, yet. I saw the trailer for Singularity, but I didn't really understand it, so it wasn't enough to bring me back.

Among others, 1 thing that I would really love to see is a revamp of how planet biomes work. Right now, a planet has a blueprint for its flora, fauna, and biome. Once that is locked in, the entire planet is all that. Planets in No Man's Sky lack diversity within themselves, making exploration repetitive and predictable These planets are massive, and you can explore a single planet for a multitude of hours, but it's all the same thing. I want to explore, but I quickly realize, no matter how much I travel this 1 planet, it will always all look the same. Once you landed on the planet, you've pretty much already seen everything it has to offer.

I would love it if planets in No Man's Sky were similar to the diversity of Earth. A planet with several distinct regions and biomes scattered around it, each containing its own unique array of fauna, flora, and even storm patterns. This would also create a dynamic and immersive environment where some parts of the planet are tranquil and serene, while others are rugged and unforgiving.

Correct if I am wrong, but we sill need waterfalls!

So I looked into it, and I guess Singularity is an Expedition. And I'm embarrassed to say, I've never done an Expedition, and never fully understood what they were. I've been thinking all these expeditions were just extra story quests being added to the base game. Didn't know they were special limited time adventures. Maybe I'll jump in the next one. With Singularity ending next week, I'm probably too late.
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I agree with the planet diversity thing a whole lot. While maybe not as complex as Earth's diversity, (try running that procedural generation on a nintendo switch) perhaps there could be regions on a planet with different wildlife or climate conditions, similar to how some animals only appear at the north or south poles on a planet. Maybe not change the weather condition, messing up the entire type of planet it is, but maybe some regions would have super-frequent storms, or a complete lack of them, with sparser wildlife. Truly, things to think about...

Replying to the edit:
Yeah, but even if you could start and get a good way through it, it's actually the second part of a multi-"chaptered" storyline introduced in a questline as part of No Man's Sky's INTERCEPTOR update. While I don't really play for the lore, if you really look into it, WOW the lore is so f-ing deep and insanely mind-boggling~

Tacking on what I said about the Gracia System community center, it is complete! A nice little hub to call together the inhabitants of this random system in the middle of the galaxy...
if you want to hop on a creative save file, or maybe look for it yourself in a normal mode file, the Galactic Coordinates for the system are here:
[Balloon, Sunset, Sunset, Rocket, Triforce, Dragonfly, Sunset, Sunset, Balloon, Triforce, Triforce, Boat]
On planet Deucifer XIV, which is the planet the portal is on, not too far from the portal (but not right next to it), there is a base titled The Gracia Community Center, where you can hang out with other people in the system (but not switch players. WE NEED MULTIPLAYER for SWITCH, HELLO GAMES, PLEASE!)
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if you want to hop on a creative save file, or maybe look for it yourself in a normal mode file, the Galactic Coordinates for the system are here:
[Balloon, Sunset, Sunset, Rocket, Triforce, Dragonfly, Sunset, Sunset, Balloon, Triforce, Triforce, Boat]
On planet Deucifer XIV, which is the planet the portal is on, not too far from the portal (but not right next to it), there is a base titled The Gracia Community Center, where you can hang out with other people in the system (but not switch players. WE NEED MULTIPLAYER for SWITCH, HELLO GAMES, PLEASE!)
Thank you for that. I'd be down to check that out.

This month is No Man's Sky's 7th anniversary! Happy birthday!
With this, Hello Games has dropped a little montage video showing the game's many updates over the years (except Synthesis again?)...
and a little something extra at the end... what could this be, I wonder?
Sean has also tweeted a hint toward this being the next update, as with the release of each past update, he has given a little emoji hint to its name or what it might have in it. He hasn't given this emoji hint for ECHOES, but in his tweet to go along with the video above, he uses two "?" emojis. It will likely follow up on the previous two updates, INTERCEPTOR and SINGULARITY, and be the third part in a four-part narrative.
As mentioned, no other info besides the name, tweet confirmation, and possible story elements has been shown off. I kind of hope it won't be like the FRONTIERS update of September 2021, where there was this huge hype only for it to add a few smaller elements to the game. I'm not complaining though, as anything new added to the game for me to get my hands on is well-appreciated.
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After its announcement, we now have a trailer and release notes for the new ECHOES update! Here's the video:
And here's a link to the release notes for the ECHOES update.
Everyone, THIS IS THE UPDATE WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! Probably the biggest update in the past year, ECHOES brings so much for everyone! I'm so goddamn excited for this update.
NMS Expedition Eleven, Voyagers is here!
Last week, ECHOES was released, and we got a hint that this expedition would come up soon. Here it is!
Woah, it’s sure been a while! Here’s a dump of what’s happened recently. Recently, Hello Games shared this:
And it’s also time for another wave of Redux Expeditions! Collect any rewards from expeditions you missed this year, as well as a surprise redux of the Cartographers Expedition from 2021.
And finally, at the Game Awards, Hello Games dropped this trailer. Just watch it for yourself. Hello Games decided to finally do it.
The hype for this is going to be crazy!
I've never played this game but considering getting it for Switch. How good is the game, good replayability and single player missions? Anything not so good about the game, in general or the switch version specifically?
The game itself has a bad reputation to many, as at its initial launch in 2016, it really was a pretty poor game. Over the past seven years, Hello Games has updated it beyond necessity into probably my number one favorite game of all time. You should definitely read the recent patch notes to see the ambition it has.
Replayability isn’t really a thing in the game, as it’s the kind of game where you play on one main save file, maybe have a couple extra save files for the different game modes, and stick with it, as the game is constantly getting new content added to it. Things like major content updates are added every couple months, and time-limited expeditions provide unique gameplay ideas with special rewards. So, less replayability, more check-in-every-couple-weeks-ability.
The game is missing certain things that would be really awesome, but that’s not something you can really do anything about. The game is huge, both literally and… more literally, so it takes a huge amount of processing power, so it’s prone to a lot of bugs on all devices, but especially the switch. It’s a miracle they managed to get it to work on that thing.
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Ended up ordering it, it looks like a really cool game. I've started reading some beginner's guides online and it looks like there's a lot to do in this game. Any suggestions on getting started (without spoiling anything major)?
So the beginning couple hours of the game are, unfortunately… really boring. The main, first thing I would suggest, is every time you are confused or curious about something, look it up on one of the many tools for the game out there, like NMSAssistant, the NMS Wiki on Fandom (not untrustworthy like many other fandom wikis) and the many guides and services on other websites. If you want to hit up a conversation thing when you want advice or help from another player, then I’m completely okay with that!

First general in-game tip from me? Store your resources! You’ll find an abundance of resources around the starter planet that you’ll want to sell or get rid of the moment you get the change, but always remember, you’ll need everything eventually! (Unless it’s specifically meant to be sold, haha) Upgrade your storages and mining tools when you are able to (aboard space stations and such) to get and hoard as much as you can, especially basic resources like Chromatic Metal, Oxygen, and climate-specific resources (like Phosphorus, Dioxite, Ammonia, Paraffinium, Uranium, Salt, so on…)
The game is super complicated at first, but you’ll eventually get to know it and understand the inner workings of it eventually!
Thanks for the advice! Just reading about it, I can't believe how complicated it sounds, but I guess everyone gets the hang of it. Looks like a great concept for a game and the updates they've put out over the past few years seem to be really good, so I'm excited to give it a try :)
@ShinkaiTheSeaWing thank you for recommending NMS, it's such a good game. I'm 20+ hours in and still feels like I've barely scraped the surface. Finally was able to buy a 2nd ship. It's still class C but looks neat so I'm happy. Any advice on acquiring more ships? I see people online mention they find wrecked ships easily but I have no idea where to look 😅