The Person Below Me...

I used to. I still listen to it sometimes.

The person below me prefers ice cream over cake!
Yeah, it's good.

The person below me can recall a specific school assignment that was very difficult to complete.
I actually don't mind doing it these days, but it has to be about a topic I'm highly interested in. I'm currently in another creative slump when it comes to my own TBT journal stories.

The person below me has a guilty pleasure that isn't all that embarrassing.
I suppose my interest in furries count. Not usually something I would talk to anyone about but I know it’s a big community. I just think the concept is interesting.

The person below me ate too much food recently.
LOL yes, and it's problematic T_T

The person below me has a bad habit of procrastinating...
I can. I actually memorize the keyboard. It's one of my useless talents.

The person below me is about to sleep soon.
Nope. It's almost midnight for me, but I have an awful sleep schedule and I'm wide awake.

The person below me bought a third party accessory for their Switch