The Person Below Me...

i am way too broke for that lmao

the person below me has an interest for true crime stories
i have never been geocaching! but i would like to try someday

the person below me has been to their favorite artist's concert c:

I have actually! It was an anime idol concert but I got to see all the voice actors perform live, a truly magical experience!

Edit: Nooo too slow, answering the question above now, I don't really like crime stories, they are... too violent for me D:

The person below me has had a good day so far :^)
Ye actually
the person below me is not from america
yahoo yeah
the person below me has made a semipopular thread
If you meant today, no. I don't think we have anymore cookies.

The person below me doesn't like ketchup or mayonnaise.
I love ketchup but I don't like mayonnaise. I think I've never even tried it because it just seems nasty.

The person below me has at least 100 hours in New Horizons.
I used to... does that count?

The person below me doesn't think they can wait much longer for quarantine to end.
meh, i can still wait a little longer. i think people are overreacting to quarantine more than they are the covid. maybe its just my opinion, but honestly, its not that hard to just stay inside and wait it out
the person below me is a fan of splatoon
i was very much into pokémon go like i was crazy i would not come home for days looking for pokémon i had it on 24 /7 it kind of got me into it but never fully the video games do not appeal to me

the person below me thinks raymond is over rated