• Join us at 7PM EDT for a super special secret staff stream! Don't h8, spect8! **Coming soon**

Vacant Vessel

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How about hair elastic bands?
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I also particularly am fond of Swedish Berries
Hmmm... what about mini rubber ducks? ;w; Or like... I had a really bad idea; thumb tacks. I know that would be painful for both parties involved, but it was still a pretty silly idea to think about. ^^;;

Or, maybe pins that come with a little backing, so it's not risky for poor Oblivia. Since the thumb tacks would probably prick her fingers when she's putting them in or taking them out T^T
So this is my worst hated Candy, but it would kind of be perfect for this event
i’m not sure what has been used in the past, but gummy eyeballs would def be the perfect jar candy! (i didn’t know that someone else requested it… oops)
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I think we need some scary cereal in our lives

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I second the monster cereals. Great idea...pour all the oat based pieces into a jar for counting then mail me all the marshmallow bits ;)
Omg, lol....I can just picture a giant jar stuffed with tickets. That would be neat to see just how many would fit....
Another great idea...and generic rolls of admission tickets can usually be found for cheap at the dollar store.
Pipe Cleaners!

but have them all be scrunched up into a sculpture before being placed in the jar, with a few loose ones added to take up space
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