Villager Moving


The Yellow Elephant
Mar 6, 2013
Dusty Scroll
Yellow Candy
Orange (Fruit)
Chocolate Cake
Pear (Fruit)
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Hi there. I'm annoyed right now, I turned on my game today and I found out Eloise is leaving. I'm very sad. I don't want this to happen again so I want to know: I noticed If I didn't go on my game on CF when someone's in the leaving period, no one will leave when you next turn on your game. Is this the same for New Leaf? So when Eloise leaves tomorrow, I can go on whenever I want in the future and no one would have moved out. Does this work in New Leaf? Thanks. :c
I mean like, if someone was moving in/out or was in boxes, and then I saved and didn't turn on my game for a long time, no one would have moved out after that. I noticed that worked in CF. Does it work in New Leaf?
Are they already in boxes? If not, just tell them not to go
I mean like, if someone was moving in/out or was in boxes, and then I saved and didn't turn on my game for a long time, no one would have moved out after that. I noticed that worked in CF. Does it work in New Leaf?

So after she moves out, you TT forward and no one else will move out? Is that what you're asking? I don't really know. All I know is that Eloise will not move back in that way.
Yeah, she's in boxes, so sad. :( What I mean is, a villager is in the moving period. You don't play the game IRL for ages. (Long enough that other villagers could have moved away from your town aswell) When you play the game again (A long time later real life time) no one would have moved out because the last time you saved the villager was in the moving period. If you last saved once the villager had already left, and didn't play for a while, another villager could have moved in that time. Do you get it? Sorry if this is so confusing haha I just want to know.

pls halp
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I don't know the answer to your question, but if you after an extended period of not playing TT back to the last day you played, nothing will have changed.
I've read that is how it works - that you're free to go a period of not playing without more move outs IF you stop on a day someone's in boxes or you stopped a potential mover who pinged. That's been my experience. Sometimes, after a few days where no one mentions moving out (either pings or rumors), I'll skip ahead about a week with a new character I don't save to make sure I don't start with my mayor and get an unpleasant surprise. That's an option for you, or like Sour of Abnaxus said you can go back to last date you played and catch up a little at a time. My understanding is that the moving flag has to be raised while you're playing, meaning you'd need to load up on a day where someone can want to move. The thing I know isn't true I've seen mentioned is villagers not being able to ping when a plot is up. Got a random ninth, someone requested to move that day.
I could be totally, completely, waaay wrong, but I read the OP's question as if you don't play NL for a long time, like say a month or two, than villagers won't move out?

If that's the case, then yes, from what I've experienced, villagers will move out while you're gone. The game kind of punishes you if you don't play after a while.
I could be totally, completely, waaay wrong, but I read the OP's question as if you don't play NL for a long time, like say a month or two, than villagers won't move out?

If that's the case, then yes, from what I've experienced, villagers will move out while you're gone. The game kind of punishes you if you don't play after a while.

Thanks for the answers guys. Yeah Hunny, that's what I'm trying to explain. I noticed on my CF game, if I last saved when a villager was in the moving out/in period then stopped playing for a few months, when I come back, no one else would have left. Is that the same in New Leaf too?
Thanks for the answers guys. Yeah Hunny, that's what I'm trying to explain. I noticed on my CF game, if I last saved when a villager was in the moving out/in period then stopped playing for a few months, when I come back, no one else would have left. Is that the same in New Leaf too?

After a villager moves out, noone will move out for 4 days. So if you don't play again for a really long time, then yes technically noone will move out when you load the game back up whenever it is that you decided to play again.

It also works when you have 8 villagers because it needs to move in a 9th before it can move out someone else.
After a villager moves out, noone will move out for 4 days. So if you don't play again for a really long time, then yes technically noone will move out when you load the game back up whenever it is that you decided to play again.

It also works when you have 8 villagers because it needs to move in a 9th before it can move out someone else.
So if I didn't turn my game on now for a few months (kinda busy with other things at the moment) no one would have moved out or in?
Sorry for bumping up this thread I just want to be 100% sure. :blush:

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