What are you happy IS in the game?


Jan 2, 2015
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Balloon
Pink Toy Hammer
Pink Balloon
Carnival Pinwheel
Rosewater Potion
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Ocean Pearl
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Fair Pinwheel
Amongst all the worrisome threads I thought I’d ask what people are MOST excited for/to do in the new game? It seems mad to me to see people being pessimistic when we’ve all been excited for so long, especially with what’s going on in the real world atm. Thought it would be nice to have a thread focusing on what IS there rather than what isn’t

Personally I’m most excited for the new music. I saw a few leaks about the soundtrack but it’s the one thing I won’t listen to as I don’t want to spoil it for when I start playing.

I’m also excited to see all the new furniture and characters that ARE in the game. I really appreciate the little details they put into designs so am excited to spend ages spotting New things every time I log into the game


- - - Post Merge - - -

And no I’m not saying don’t have a negative opinion on the game, just try and keep open minded cause you haven’t played it yet
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I'm excited for the music, too! (I haven't heard any leaks - wanna save it for release)

I also really want to see night-time in the game and I'm excited for all the new villager dialogue!

I'm really hoping villagers are more interactive now with their chats. c:
The three new kinds of flowers! Especially hyacinths, I’ve wanted them to be in AC for years. I love spring, and we had hyacinths in the back yard throughout my childhood, so they’re associated with good memories for me. :)
All of it!! The adorable villagers, terraforming, being able to decorate other villagers homes and the outdoors, more customization, and just the bliss and relaxation every animal crossing game thus far has provided.
Giant. Freaking. Mushrooms.

Imma have me a sweet magical enchanted mushroom riddled forest.

Also being able to choose my face from the start and all that. And placing furniture outside. There have been many types of furniture I liked but just never wanted to use because A KIDDIE POOL DOES NOT BELONG INSIDE THE HOUSE. THINK OF THE WATER DAMAGE!
The ability to create a tiny fishing pond next to my house. I imagine a little log cabin surrounded by cedar trees up by the mountains with a little fishing pond right outside my door.
I'm also excited to see what kind of new clothing and furniture options they have in store - New Leaf stepped it up, and then Pocket Camp really played into the aesthetics of it all (with the fairy stuff and the fortune cookie items), and from what I've seen from the Able Sisters, there will be a lot more coming!
4 quick ones before I head to bed.

1. Outside furniture
2. Larger inventory
3. Terreforming
4. Change your skin, hair, face on demand.
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I'm happy my baby O'Hare is here, along with a bunch of the new features and the character customization but mostly that O'Hare made it :'3
all of this game looks so pretty , but my favorite things so far about it are the terraforming , furniture outside and new possible villagers.
I love the increased freedom we get with island customization. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
I heard a lot of the music tracks, but I really can't wait to hear what they sound like in the rain. I'm also eager to see the characters' new dialogue.
Everything present in the game and everything that is to come with updates. But for specific things, terraforming is a big one.
Oh man the fashion options. DIFFERENT DRESS STYLES! I'm so excited about the cute dresses I can make. Plus figuring out what styles look best for dresses I've made in the past. <3 <3 <3