What are you hoping to get for Christmas? ( nothing rude please )

A Nintendo eShop gift card as usual from my sister and possibly an Amazon gift card. I usually buy myself things that I want and gift cards just make it easier for me. I‘m not into clothes or gadgets too much and my pop culture interests either don’t have a lot of merchandise or are pretty pricey. I wouldn’t mind getting a Lego set or two especially if they are Harry Potter themed or the 3 in 1 line.
I'm not expecting anything. I kinda feel like I already have a big Christmas by getting aquarium stuff together and going through some of my old stuff. I also get another Christmas with my aunt and I should be seeing my last grandparent this Christmas as long as they aren't sick. Buddy's feet recovered even though he sleeps even more now and snowball seems to have normal weight now.
there isn’t really anything that i’m hoping to get. my mom got me concert tickets for one of my all-time favourite artists and an axolotl plushie, and i’ve gotten $100 from my dad, so i’m happy if i don’t get anything else. my family is lower income, and we don’t really celebrate christmas much anymore anyways, so i honestly haven’t made a christmas wishlist in years. i usually just ask for money and get 1-2 “actual” presents, and i’m happy with and grateful for that. ☺️

my mom still does her best to fill my stocking every year though, so i still have that to look forward to! she usually just fills it with sweets and toiletries (ex. razors, lip balm, teeth whiteners etc), but sometimes she’ll find some little knickknacks or small things that align with my interests to throw in as well!
I usually do one big birthday/Christmas list since my birthday already falls pretty close to Christmas, and what's left on it is Dragon Quest Treasures (which I helped my mom order while it was on sale, so I know I'm getting that one lol), Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince, volumes 102, 103, and 104 of the One Piece manga, and a Golurk Sitting Cuties Plush! Which feels like quite a lot to me especially since Switch games are pricey, but my parents keep asking if there's anything else I want, and my mom's even told me a couple times that I didn't ask for "that much" asdkglfjld. They spoil me ;u;
tbh just hoping we can go visit my family for christmas! i haven’t been to my grandparents’ house since before the pandemic started, so it’s been a while 🥲 but i might also want a new laptop! i’ll be fine if i don’t get one though, it’s just a wish lol
I honestly don't know what you mean by rude lol. Like mature themes?
(What if I do want something rude :3)

Nothing much, people ask what I want for Christmas and I just give them my Fandoms. I'm not really asking for any specifics though.

I am collecting all the South pop figures, and I made a small list of the ones I don't have. Also found a Tweek figure at a store, which is honestly an absolute dream, as silly as that sounds.

But that's pretty much it,
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People usually get me gift cards because I'm not a fan of physical gifts at the moment. I try to limit myself to the amount of physical things I have because I travel and it limits the amount of things I have to bring with me. I'm probably going to get Starbucks gift cards since I like going there. One of my friends who I'm no longer friends with got me hooked. Most of the gift cards I receive are catered towards food/travel expenses, which I love. It's been that way for years. I also receive some money.
I always make a list even though I'm almost 30. I don't like surprises, haha. I'm hoping for Pokemon Violet, a wallet, a renewal for my zoo membership, fancy salt, a book, and a small cooperative board game. Between my partner, my parents, and my partner's family, that's probably a realistic list.
i would love to get new headphones because the one i have currently is a piece of ****. it’s a little expensive but i hope to get beats solo3 headphones.
My birthday is in about a week so I suppose this list is for both, lol.
-Pikmin 4
-Eastward (I played the Switch Online trial and now I really want to finish the game)
-Maybe a third game but I haven't decided what yet. I used to want Detective Pikachu but the reviews made me change my mind, whoops.
-Callie & Marie plushies
-New headphones (Mine are broken)
Honestly, I'm having a hard time thinking of anything I'd like for Christmas, besides maybe a better job! Because of my very bad impulse buying habits I usually end up buying whatever it is I think I want long before we get to Christmas which doesn't leave much for anyone else in the way of gift opportunities.
my family doesn’t celebrate christmas but usually my parents will give us some money out of pity lol so hopefully more money this year?

i always participate in secret santa exchanges so i don’t feel too left out 😅 so i’m excited for whatever i get from that, and i might buy a ps5 for myself? i would also consider it a gift if my sister visited during our break (though she’s already been here twice this year so idk if she’ll be able to)