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What do you do if you can’t sleep?

This doesn't apply to me because when I take my night meds they force me to sleep, but uhh.... for the sake of the thread I'll say that I try to watch TV or play games for a bit. Thinking about happy thoughts while lying down usually helps too.
awww love 🥺 if you ever want to send me a message feel free 💜

I usually don't have too much trouble falling asleep because I actually take a medication to help me do so. I deal with pretty bad insomnia most nights so I end up taking it pretty much every night. although it's almost midnight here and I'm still awake, dunno what I'm doing hehe.
If I find my mind racing sometimes it actually does help me to do the ole counting sheep trick, or to play some quiet music. Sometimes I just need something to concentrate on to keep my mind from wandering. I had trouble falling asleep at night somewhat often when I was still in school but I felt pressured to get sleep in before class, so what I'd do if counting or music didn't help is I'd get out of bed and sit on the floor and maybe read something kinda boring. After a little while I'd usually realize how tired I was and wanna get back into bed, and at that point it'd be a lot more comfy.

Hope you can get to sleep soon ❤️
Hmmmm my nighttime nerve meds usually knock me out, but if sometimes, if my mind is super racey, I’ll put on a show that I know I can fall asleep to and just sleep for a bit out in the living room or I go grab my kindle and go read one of the prologues to game of thrones (sorry George R R Martin but your prologues suck!)
having had this just happen last night, I always try and use any sleep trick I’ve ever heard about to keep my mind blank - counting deep breaths, imaging my body getting heavy etc. I refuse to admit defeat though so I always just lie there until eventually something works!
I'm usually kept awake by health issues recently. They make it hard to sleep because I uh, have a fear of choking.
I just spend time browsing the internet and listening to music when I can't sleep, honestly. It doesn't help but it passes the time... Better than me spending the whole time only focusing on my problems that don't go away.
I immediately rise up like Dracula from his coffin and no-clip out the bedroom door while T-posing. ⚰️ 😎 My daily schedule is rather inconsistent and I sleep easily, so I usually get up once I've slept for a bit and do whatever it is I have/want to do, whether it's day or night. 🤷‍♀️ I don't like lying there waiting to fall asleep. I rather get up and do something until the drowsiness kicks in. 💻🕹️🎹☕
Nothing really. I am used to not falling asleep. I listen to rain sounds on youtube and may browse the internet a bit but mainly trying to fall sleep as good as I can.
Nyothing. I just wait until I can fall asleep, since I have parents who would get VERY angry if I woke up in the middle of the night for, like, any reason. (This DOES mean it usually takes me about 3-4 hours to fall asleep, but whatever.)
I don't fight it or force myself into sleeping. I get up and walk around or do something else until I get tired. The longer it gets into the night, the more upset I do get because I know I should be asleep.
I do this every night anyway, but I do listen to sleep music. It normally varies from sleep meditation to western lo-fi beats.
Read a book! Preferably a physical book for digital works too. I find that it lulls me to sleep decently fast. When my eyes do the cross-eyed thing and I reread the same sentence over and over, that's when I know that it worked lol.
It depends how restless I am. If I can lie still comfortably I stay in bed. If I'm tossing and turning I get up so my partner can get a restful sleep.

I usually get something to drink (Tetley tea with milk, unless I'm running hot then ginger cordial diluted with water) and then lie down on the couch with a TV rerun on in hopes I doze off.