What do you do if you can’t sleep?

Also sad to say I’ve done melatonin before and I still needed a pretty rigid schedule for it to potentially do anything. My dad would be snoring like hell and it ruined it, being in this house makes me anxious 😞
honestly i just stay up on my phone doing various things until i get tired enough to fall asleep. i stay up very late every night anyway, probably not the healthiest thing to do but eh
I either read or scroll through Instagram reels until I fall asleep. My body is practically nocturnal at this point, so trying to get back on a decent schedule has left me with many sleepless nights and tired days.
When I can't sleep I'll usually just browse my phone (probably TBT and Discord). Or if my husband is awake too then I'll talk to him... sometimes we will end up watching a show and ultimately stay up too late
Normally I can sleep just fine but during thunderstorms I like listening to calming music, also having a comfy blanket helps.
I usually just lay in bed and scroll endlessly on my phone until my eyes start feeling extra strained. if it starts getting real bad and I still can’t sleep, I might get up and find something else to do. maybe read a book, find my SO see what he’s doing or just sit on the couch and watch tv until I get bored, but usually I just end up messing with my phone again no matter what else I try to do lol. if all fails I’ll just say screw it, lay back down again and let the tossing and turning begin until I finally fall asleep. It be a struggle sometimes.
I'll watch some television until I feel sleepy, and then I keep the tv on too so I can listen to it as i fall asleep. Sometimes my mind races a lot and having the tv sound on causes my mind to focus on that instead of my thoughts.
I've been told it could be the blue light in the computer or phone screens that can cause this. If you do resort to Meletonin, I've been told the max you should take at once is 10 mg. I'm at 5 mg.

Sometimes it helps me to focus on breathing like you would be if you were asleep.
Usually I either read a book or just keep laying still trying to sleep and let my mind wander. When I know I have no shot of falling asleep before the sun rises I usually play a video game until I'm ready for the morning to start.