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What do you think should have been included but was left out


May all your bacon burn
Mar 5, 2014
Orange (Fruit)
Night Sky Scenery
So I'm sure but now we probably aren't getting another update (though I wish we would). There's quite a few things that never made it to New Horizons that was in New Leaf and other previous editions. What do you wish they had included in updates or something that should've been there from the start?

For me, I don't know why they didn't include banana, lemon, persimmon, mango, etc trees or the native fruits that were perfect that you could use to plant perfect trees.

I also really miss Tortimer's Island, Club Lol, all the Nook upgrades, and I know there was a lot more furniture, and Gracie's expensive store. I really thought we would get a couple more Nook upgrades to a bigger store.
* Tortimer Island 100%. if I could add one feature into new horizons, it would be this. It was such a godsend in new leaf. especially because there are these bugs that are extremely rare, and are only out for two months. I would love to have them out year-round again without having to travel.

* I also would have loved for the furniture sets to be added. I feel like the ones we get in new horizons are inferior to the ones in preceding games. The lovely series has been my favorite since I started my very first animal crossing town ever (which my first AC game was City Folk in 2009). And I am working to make it my main room in GC/PG, WW, CF, and NL. 💖💕

I also love the princess set, sweets set, rococo set, regal set, sweets set, etc. especially in new leaf where you could change the color schemes of some of them. I’m working towards filling up my left room with pink regal furniture, and my right one with pink rococo furniture.

* I also wish villagers had more depth to them. For example, I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I like how often they asked for favors in new leaf. I even wish they would ask for them even more often. The only things I wasn’t really a fan of were scheduled visits (glad NH doesn’t do these), and favors that required going to other towns, especially the latter. The former was at least possible and tolerable, it’s just a bit frustrating. The latter will become especially problematic after April 8. What was Nintendo thinking?
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They brought in amazing décor in New Horizons but unfortunately none of it was close to the furniture and items you can collect in pocket camp :(
As much as I have enjoyed New Horizons I would have loved to see a couple of things .
Tortimer's Island would have made online play much better. Since the games would give something to do.
I wish you could customize all crafting items.
Another store upgrade would have been nice especially after they added so many items.
I am surprised they never added sea creature and fossil models.
I miss some of the new leaf items especially the plant ones like the cornstalks, barrel planter , trellis and so many others would have been great for farm areas.
It is nice we can use have up to 8 playable characters I just wish I could use the extra house plots for villagers.
I miss the other fruits a ton!! I wish we could've had a few of the plants that never got a proper comeback too, like violets, growable carnations, clovers, and dandelions. 🥲 It's the little stuff in AC that I feel really stands out, so I think just being able to occasionally find four-leaf clovers or wish on dandelion puffs would've added a lot. Also I just love plant variety!! The seasonal weeds are beautiful on their own, but if we could mix them with clovers and dandelions... man.

And I miss my pretty gems and silver ore in New Horizons as well. The gold is nice but if they'd also given us silver, amethysts, sapphires, emeralds, and rubies like in New Leaf I would've been absolutely over the moon. Let me decorate my house and island with scattered crystals pls
I think we can all agree that a real multiplayer experience should've been included. Even if it was not Tortimer island. The minigames were needed so much. There's not a real multiplayer scene. So it's a lot of touring people's islands. And you can't do that every time. People actually terraformed their own races and the such.

I would've settled for the hide and seek even. The treasure hunt is so boring and soulless compared to the mini-games. There's not much interaction with the villager other then them initiating the hunt through the first dialogue. It could've easily been given to the message board like it was in PG.
Bananas and mini games. Mini games for at least the player to play with villagers, but that is the bare minimum. Especially considered the bare minimum because of the push for trading and NOS from Nintendo.
Also a tourist thing that showed off other villagers more frequently beyond the campground. New Leaf had past villagers visit Main Street to shop as a tourist for example..
There are so many villagers now, there needs to be an in game way to see the roster a bit more frequently.
more fruit variety... banana, lemon, persimmon, mango trees – missed those
mortimer's island. the tropical getaway and mini-games were a blast in new leaf
club and k.k. slider upgrades, i miss the entertainment options and potential upgrades
nook's upgrades, i really think a bigger nook's cranny or additional store upgrades would have been awesome
gracie's expensive store; the exclusive fashion experience added a unique touch imo
Shop Upgrades
Bulk Crafting
Tortimer Island
Having the option to ask villagers if they need a favor
The feature to call villagers on their nookphone if you want to know where they are
The feature to upgrade your home room size
Fruit variety
My favorite feature from New Leaf was definitely Tortimer's Island. I understand why it was removed, but that doesn't change how much fun I had with it. Even with the occasional trolls I'd encounter, there was always that one cool person I would have never otherwise met. Also... even with the language barriers, we were still able to communicate with the various reactions. I really do think the pros outweighed the cons here.

I think more dialogue for villagers would go a long way. More villager dialogue would greatly distract from the absence of other features. Villagers are a huge part of this game and it gets boring hearing the same things all over again. If villagers had more dialogue, you'd spend more time talking to them and less time worrying about other aspects of the game. I know I'd be looking for things to do, too, if all villagers had to talk about were the same five things over and over again.

Also, I have no idea why bananas were not included. I loved the island fruits! I was disappointed to find out I couldn't have bananas on my beach.
At this point I know I sound like a broken record, but generally the things you could do with villagers. I loved Desert Island Escape, and being able to play games with them other than Treasure Hunt.
Pretty much what others said about the minigames. NH multiplayer is boring nowadays as all you can really do is walk around islands and trade. That's it. If I had to be honest, an Amiibo Festival-type tie-in (without requiring amiibo, of course) as a second DLC to improve and fix the existing multiplayer experience would've been awesome. The closest things we've got right now are Mario Party and Clubhouse Games.

That being said, there are ways to come up with creative games that feature island visitors. I've seen some streamers attempt Mario Party-like board games on specialty islands where they invite viewers to play along. In fact, that may just give me an idea for something on TBT...
Something that I’ve always wanted was like a “greenhouse“ area. Just with how many flowers you’re island can grow and the fact that I’ve always had trouble throwing my flowers away, being able to store flowers in like a greenhouse area would be nice.

This one is a bit more of an idealistic thing, but I guess the more realistic version would just be them including the ability to store flowers in storage.

To make it even more idealistic lol, if they did include a greenhouse area, it would have been nice if it functioned kind of like the butterfly area in the museum. Like when you get more flowers the greenhouse becomes more flourished.
* Tortimer Island 100%. if I could add one feature into new horizons, it would be this. It was such a godsend in new leaf. especially because there are these bugs that are extremely rare, and are only out for two months. I would love to have them out year-round again without having to travel.

* I also would have loved for the furniture sets to be added. I feel like the ones we get in new horizons are inferior to the ones in preceding games. The lovely series has been my favorite since I started my very first animal crossing town ever (which my first AC game was City Folk in 2009). And I am working to make it my main room in GC/PG, WW, CF, and NL. 💖💕

I also love the princess set, sweets set, rococo set, regal set, sweets set, etc. especially in new leaf where you could change the color schemes of some of them. I’m working towards filling up my left room with pink regal furniture, and my right one with pink rococo furniture.

* I also wish villagers had more depth to them. For example, I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I like how often they asked for favors in new leaf. I even wish they would ask for them even more often. The only things I wasn’t really a fan of were scheduled visits (glad NH doesn’t do these), and favors that required going to other towns, especially the letter. The former was at least possible and tolerable, it’s just a bit frustrating. The latter will become especially problematic after April 8. What was Nintendo thinking?
I loved Tortimer's Island, I would often go and just hoard sharks and the really expensive insects and just take them back to sell after I had donated one of each of them to the museum.

I used the princess set some, but I also really liked the sloppy set, minimalist, sleek, and modern wood. I know we have pieces from a couple of those but not the whole set.

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of the favors but I did enjoy having more interactions with my villagers in New Leaf than I do now. I feel like they had more to say in New Leaf and they were always having conversations with each other and I would listen in.
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Something that I’ve always wanted was like a “greenhouse“ area. Just with how many flowers you’re island can grow and the fact that I’ve always had trouble throwing my flowers away, being able to store flowers in like a greenhouse area would be nice.

This one is a bit more of an idealistic thing, but I guess the more realistic version would just be them including the ability to store flowers in storage.

To make it even more idealistic lol, if they did include a greenhouse area, it would have been nice if it functioned kind of like the butterfly area in the museum. Like when you get more flowers the greenhouse becomes more flourished.
This is such a cute idea! I think a lot of people would love a greenhouse. I know I would because I feel like my flowers just grow out of control sometimes and end up everywhere. It would be nice to have a certain spot to keep them.
I agree with everything that has been said so far, but tropical fruits not being included still boggles my mind the most out of everything that wasn’t included in New Horizons. Like, we’re on a tropical island… how were tropical fruits not included? LOL
It baffles me why they didn't include the tropical fruits in the game about a tropical island.

But... carnations and violets. My guess is they removed them due to the low hybrid count. Something they could have remedied, especially with the carnations.

Irl carnation hybrids tend to look striped and multi colored, not just one solid color. This is something I'd love to see in the game.
But... carnations and violets. My guess is they removed them due to the low hybrid count. Something they could have remedied, especially with the carnations.
I can’t believe I forgot about violets, they were my absolute favorite flowers in NL!! And honestly I don’t even use flowers in my towns in NH, but I feel like I would if I had violets back lol.

Now for the features I miss the most… definitely definitely changing the style of the town hall and other buildings is number one. It’s so frustrating to have a really cool theme for your island and then just having the town hall stick out like a sore thumb. Why did they take that away from us? Makes no sense.

Then comes the plaza tree on NL. It was cute! Bring it back! I loved the lush canopy, it was great.

And then I know it’s been said a million times but the dialogues are so bland. I miss when villagers would cuss you out a little bit lol.