What Was The First AC Game You Played?


🌸 Island Resident 🌸
Jan 8, 2019
Dreamy Easter Egg
Christmas Candy
Aurora Sky
Snow Bunny
Holiday Candy Cane 2019
Orange Balloon
Swamp Potion
Yellow Candy
For me, it was the GameCube version!! I was so young when my mom brought it home for me back in 2002, her telling me how cute she thought it was, but that I couldn't play it until I finished breakfast!! :p I quickly and easily fell in love with it :') I've adored the series ever since. I have such fond memories of that game! What about for you guys? Which was your first? :blush:
The first one I played was the Gamecube version back in 2008. I was 8 1/2 at the time, and my brother got a Gamecube for his birthday. Animal Crossing happened to be one of the games that came with it, and on that fateful day I started playing AC. I also have really fond memories of playing when I was younger, and I still have the same town too (been almost 12 years now!).
my first one was wild world, which i played to death as a kid, it was great :)
The first one I played was the Gamecube version back in 2008. I was 8 1/2 at the time, and my brother got a Gamecube for his birthday. Animal Crossing happened to be one of the games that came with it, and on that fateful day I started playing AC. I also have really fond memories of playing when I was younger, and I still have the same town too (been almost 12 years now!).

That's so cute, aww! :') I still have my original town as well, which I named New Hamp :p

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my first one was wild world, which i played to death as a kid, it was great :)

I have such fond memories of Wild World :') It was a game that I won't forget!
My first game was Animal Crossing on the GameCube. It wasn't my game; it belonged to my brother. I was probably around 20 years old and had just moved out of my parents' house. I came home to visit every Saturday to do laundry and my brother and I always played games together. He had an extra memory card, so he let me start my own town. I loved it but couldn't afford to get a GameCube myself so I only played when visiting them. I have fond memories of myself, my brother and my mom gathering to listen to K.K. play at the train station every Saturday night.

Eventually, my brother sold his GameCube and everything that went with it, so I lost that town. I didn't play an Animal Crossing game again until I picked up New Leaf in 2017.
My first game was Animal Crossing on the GameCube. It wasn't my game; it belonged to my brother. I was probably around 20 years old and had just moved out of my parents' house. I came home to visit every Saturday to do laundry and my brother and I always played games together. He had an extra memory card, so he let me start my own town. I loved it but couldn't afford to get a GameCube myself so I only played when visiting them. I have fond memories of myself, my brother and my mom gathering to listen to K.K. play at the train station every Saturday night.

Eventually, my brother sold his GameCube and everything that went with it, so I lost that town. I didn't play an Animal Crossing game again until I picked up New Leaf in 2017.

oh gosh, what a touching story <3 that's so sad that the gamecube and the AC game got sold along with it, but at least the memories will always remain :') I'm glad to hear that you picked up NL! What were your thoughts on it? I can only imagine what it was like for you to experience that much of a time jump through the games :eek:
oh gosh, what a touching story <3 that's so sad that the gamecube and the AC game got sold along with it, but at least the memories will always remain :') I'm glad to hear that you picked up NL! What were your thoughts on it? I can only imagine what it was like for you to experience that much of a time jump through the games :eek:

Yeah, I guess it really was a huge time jump. When my brother sold everything, I thought about getting my own GameCube, but I was already attached to my town and one villager in particular (Grizzly). I didn't think it would feel the same to start over. Plus, even though I've always been a gamer, I'm more of a Playstation and PC gamer. Buying a GameCube to play one game wasn't how I should be spending my money as a young adult with bills to pay. LOL

Since I didn't really follow Nintendo news, I didn't even know Animal Crossing became series. I had no idea the other games existed until my husband started watching a Let's Play video about New Leaf. Watching the videos with him made me want to play again and I already had a 3DS for Pokemon, so I finally got back into the series after so much time had passed.

I really like New Leaf. I'm almost kind of obsessed with it. It's nice to be able to play it daily, something I could never do with the GameCube version since I didn't own it. And the character and town customization has come a long way. I enjoyed it so much, I've even picked up a second copy to create a second town.

But there are still things I miss about the GameCube version. The villagers were a lot snarkier back then and had more personality. Same with the NPCs. Plus, there's so much I never accomplished because I had such limited time with the game. I would really like to try starting up a new GameCube town on an emulator or something, but I just don't have the time now. Maybe when I complete both of my New Leaf towns...
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The first AC game I played was CityFolk

Then GameCube
Then WildWorld
Then NewLeaf

Looking forward to NewHorizons! :D

Then, I just skipped to New Leaf

and now I will skip to New Horizons

I probably won't skip anymore now that I became a much bigger fan of AC than I was before.

Oh yeah, I also played Pocket Camp for a very small amount of time
My brother had the original one on GameCube but I never got to play it because it just disappeared, I don’t know if he let someone borrow it or, but it was gone and it was upsetting because I know him and my other brother really loved the town, and my eldest brother loves the AC series in general (we’re super stoked for ACNH). I always wanted to try the GC version but since it was gone the first AC game I played was WW. It was really fun, and then CF came out, and I would be on that like everyday all day because I was so addicted to it. I loved it better than WW, and of course NL came out and I’m still playing it to this day because by far it’s my favourite AC game and probably will still be even after NH. (NH looks sooo good and I know I should play the game before picking my favourite but NL is just crazy fun and I’ve always been more into the town theme rather than an island. Though I can’t wait until NH comes out!! Everything about it looks AMAZING).
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My first Animal Crossing game was Wild World. I needed new games for my DS back then and when I heard about Wild World, I found it kind of interesting, as I also never dealt with AC before. So I decided to give it a chance and I must say it became pretty fast one of my favorite games, I spent hours over hours into it. Although I also had a GameCube around that time before I got my DS, I played the GC title much later for the first time.
First AC game I ever played was the Gamecube game. I got it in December of the year it came out, so it had been out for a few months at that point.
Wild World when it was released and I’ve been in love ever since <3

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Wild World when it was released and I?ve been in love ever since <3
My first was the original game on the game cube!
I remember when new leaf came out it was such a change of pace from the original.. it almost seemed easier to me? Maybe it was just because I was young but I always thought the original game was a challenge to get anything done in, and I was never happy with how my town ended up. I reset a dozen times with the original because I always got frustrated trying to make it exactly how I wanted.
I played back in 2002 the GC version.I got it for myself I don't know why I picked this game up but I am glad I did. I think I wouldn't choose AC today in my age xD But I am so fond of this game I really love it ^^ I didn't enjoy wild.world and city folk so much but ACNL was a new love.