wild world players: what do you miss?


Senior Member
May 8, 2019
Orange (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Cherry (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
i'm loving new horizons and i think it's definitely the best AC game so far, but there is still a lot i miss about my first game, wild world!
i feel really nostalgic about
  • pelly and phyllis
  • the music!!!!! i adored the wild world music. new horizons... not so much.
  • getting coffee in the museum basement. it always felt so cozy and refreshing
  • a bit of a love/hate: working for tom nook. i remember being really annoyed while i was doing it, but i recently restarted my WW town and it was actually fun to put on the uniform and do the chores.
  • booker! so sweet
sorryy but one thing i will never miss is phyllis 😂
i do miss when i would play it with my brother sister and we would see k.k. slider and get a coffee from brewster ☆
we had to share a ds so we'd just sit together listening to some k.k. bossa lol
Probably how sassy some of the characters were back then, both the NPCs (Phyllis) and villagers.

Wild World has aged so poorly, though. I could never go back. 😅 Most of the parts I miss were present in New Leaf too.
Villager dialogue! Probably the best balance in the series!
Music. My favourite of the series as well!
The pelicans I miss as well, Pelly was so nice... I liked seeing Pete too.
I miss the wilting flowers too lol, unpopular opinion but I think it could've worked well in NH if just the bulb wilted.

I tried going back to it a couple of years ago for nostalgias sake. I wish I hadn't. It was better off as a memory.

honestly same. I can't claim to have nostalgia for the game as the only time I tried it was when my cousin let me borrow her cartridge for 10 minutes, but I decided to give it a go recently and it just be like...

there's really not much to do here. it's also very hard to look at after seeing new horizons. I kinda feel the same way about new leaf as well despite somehow having spent 2k hours on it
no shade to the game, it's very cute. but it's also very limited due to the software and feels like a downgrade from all the other mainline animal crossing games.

EDIT: oh but the music is fan-gotdamn-tastic. definitely the best music in the series hands-down. I can immediately hum the theme to WW/CF because I heard it in smash brawl once and yet I've lichrally forgotten what the NL theme sounds like, despite having 2k hours on it and having played it fairly recently
I think this was also in City Folk but I never played- but I miss the UFO thing with Gulliver. I played that game for years and maybe only saw it happen twice but I just found the whole concept of seeing random things in the sky so cool lmao. Kinda miss having a screen dedicated to the sky in general as well, like with constellations. Having to have good hearing to figure out when shooting stars/distant balloons are happening in the sky and then having to fiddle with tools/the camera looking up is easily one of my biggest peeves for NH.
I love Phyllis, really miss her!
Brewster too, I hope they bring him back with an update, and of course GYROIDS.... where did they all go?!

And like you said, the music. Wouldn't it be neat if there was a way to switch your game music so it would play the hourly theme from whichever game you choose. Then you could just switch it over whenever you got bored.
Flea market, music, that early-on, still-testing-the-waters villager interaction, basement coffee shop and the weekly bulletin board announcements are what I miss the most.

I don't play it much any more at all but I check into the same town I (re-)made in 2007 or so and it's nice it being what it was. These days I'd challenge anyone to not legitimately get bored of it after a couple of days (I think I'd struggle with this, too) but I still remember killing so much time on it at home and in school trading items with people on local play and writing dumb (super short) stories and poems to villagers. So good.
I miss messages in a bottle. I know we have it in this game but I mean being able to send them with notes. I guess I know why Nintendo removed them but I still wish we could send out random items to people, even if its our extra DIYS.

Also UFO hunting, talking to NPCs in the cafe/listening to their woes, good messages on the bulletin board, ect.
Flea market, music, that early-on, still-testing-the-waters villager interaction, basement coffee shop and the weekly bulletin board announcements are what I miss the most.

I don't play it much any more at all but I check into the same town I (re-)made in 2007 or so and it's nice it being what it was. These days I'd challenge anyone to not legitimately get bored of it after a couple of days (I think I'd struggle with this, too) but I still remember killing so much time on it at home and in school trading items with people on local play and writing dumb (super short) stories and poems to villagers. So good.
yeah, it's kind of amazing how far we've come. i play around on WW occasionally but i really can't play for long before getting bored. makes me wonder how i killed so much time on it as a kid! i wonder if WW had a younger audience in general compared to NL/NH... maybe the reason we were able to get so into it was child imagination
I didn’t play WW but I just tried playing my Gamecube town the other day, and I didn’t really miss much. It felt incredibly hollow. I imagine WW is similar from footage I’ve seen.
constellations, red turnips, and donating to Boondox lol :'D I thought these were fun
I do miss these features, but we've had so many improvements over the next AC games to the point where WW feels kinda empty now. I don't really see myself going back to play in my old town :')
the constellations and the music are biggest things i get nostalgic about.. i tried going back to it before NH came out, and while i played the heck out of it when i was younger it's definitely not for me anymore.