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Worst pain you've ever felt?

I had arthroscopic surgery, but I get that surgery for TMJ isn't necessarily the most widely used treatment.

Isn't surgery usually the last resort? Was it successful? I'm just curious cause this is my second round of physio withing a few years and it's never been this bad. It's been working for like movement wise, but I have been in pain from physio for a month now. If I end up getting tmj again, I will be dreading treatment
for some reason with the worst injuries i've had (ripping the side of my back and hitting my head on a rail and flying into a haystack) i feel little to no pain, probably because of the confusion and nearly passing out.
the worst pain i had was with my stomach when i was poisoned with food.
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Isn't surgery usually the last resort? Was it successful? I'm just curious cause this is my second round of physio withing a few years and it's never been this bad. It's been working for like movement wise, but I have been in pain from physio for a month now. If I end up getting tmj again, I will be dreading treatment

Yeah, it worked for me. I have two small scars like x's in front of my ears and the swelling was intense for a few weeks, but so far it's not been painful to do anything with my jaw.
Got violently ill after hiking in Korea, went to the emergency room twice and was given IV fluids. Still have no idea what caused it but it's easily the worst I've ever felt in my life.
Well, my depression kicked in when I was about 10 and it wasn't great, just crying and being yelled at for crying even though I wasn't crying because I wanted a new toy or whatever but I just wanted someone to be there for me emotionally. But yeah, it only turned into real pain when my friends abandoned me because, you know, life just moves on and they've always had more fun friends that didn't annoy them. At least now it's just apathy and feeling sluggish and not headaches because of crying that just ruins an entire day tbh.
But yeah, physically I've never had a problem. Or a broken bone. Well, my period cramps are like hell, but I'm used to it by now. The worst pain is only like an hour so I don't really wanna spend money on something that will kick in when the pain is already gone.
idk i think back pain from cramps? i get seriously bad cramps when im on my period. besides that the pain i had in my tooth leading to a root canal. i really cried in bed with an ice pack on my cheek for a while.
and emotional pain... i have lots isn't that sad
but i think it was just last month. my crush was going around telling his friends i was "obsessed" with him and some other remarks it really hurt me. now i feel like i made too much of a big deal, but to me it still is painful to think about. we stopped talking for 2 weeks, almost a month until we made up early this month. he hasn't said anything to ever insult me since that day. he really changed a lot after that
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I think bowel pains is the worst pain out there, physically I've never experienced something more painful to the extent I'd pray to God to make it stop whilst I was in the toilet. I'm not religious but if that made me pray, then yes it was pretty "bad".
I had an ear infection a few weeks ago. In both ears. Throbbing pain that I can't compare to anything else.

Emotionally was about 2 years ago. I had this thing going with a girl. We never dated but I was really invested in her. When she told me she was not interested, I felt devastated. I was consistently depressed for a year and I would cry so, so much. I'm glad I went through it though. Now I never get attached to girls anymore and I lose interest quickly in romantic pursuits. My feelings are always spared because now they are dead
when i had my needle biopsy of the liver and they pushed the needle into it ;-;
and emotional eeeh depression in general i guess? ahaha
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Losing my first love, definitely. It wasn't like anything I had ever experienced. It's hardest, I think, to get over someone who used to love you, or at least act like it. Just staying up late crying or waiting for a message that I knew would never come. I was already dealing with depression at the time, so it was just a nasty situation.

Physically...uhh, I had a really bad sickness once with a throat so sore I couldn't sleep for like two days.
My first heartbreak most definitely. We dated for 4 years until one day they told me they didn't feel the same anymore. Hurt like hell but life goes on.

The worst physical pain would be the time I got strep throat 2 times in one year. Scratchy throats are literally the worst. :mad:
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when I was a little kid, maybe 2 or 3 years old?? I can't remember but I had an Appendectomy which is the surgical removal of the appendix. well, because the damn thing burst/exploded and it was horrible.
The worst pain I have ever felt, hm, well, there is a tie for first place. I regularly dislocate my joints (I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, type 3). When I was 9 years old I broke my wrist. When I was 21 I pulled out my back so bad that I could not move my legs. Breathing and talking were difficult and I had to be driven to the hospital, from work.
So far, having my ankle stitched without any anesthetic or pain killers as well as braces as mentioned in the first post. The worst part about braces are the elastics that I have been instructed to wear along with them. My jaw is very painful, especially now that I'm having to triple the bands to fasten the process. The trouble is that my teeth are very straight, it's my poor bite that prevents me from getting my braces off. I have been told that it won't be long until they come off by my orthodontist, that was six months ago. I'm aware that I must be patient but it's been over two years since I got them on. It's getting beyond a joke now, it's coming to the point where I will request to get them off because I can no longer deal with the pain I'm going through. I can't even open my mouth as wide as I can anymore without feeling pure pain at the back of my jaw. It's even locked on several occasions. I have inquired about this before and her response was that I must grind my teeth during the night and that was the end of the conversation.
Emotional for me is really personal, but basis being mostly learning at way too young that people can be really really ****ing horrible and take advantage of your youth and naive nature as a child.
One time I was going home on my bike, whilst I was still learning about to ride it.
I crashed into a parked car, my bike toppled over me, and broke my ankle. I had
to walk on my ankle home by myself for thirty minutes, all the while wheeling
my bike back... ouch.