Would you/Have you ever completed your ACNH catalog?

Do you have a complete catalog?

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pink is the warmest colour
Yoshi's Islanders
Jul 2, 2017
New Leaf Token
Green Bunny Balloon
Snow Bunny
Green Moon Jellyfish
Hello my dear freinds!

I've been thinking on this question today because while I personally am a massive completionist, I dont know what the broader feelings toward catalog completion are! I know some people want to just have all furniture regardless of color whereas others (like me) went for every color variant too, and some just don't care that much... so which one are you?

In this poll 'catalog' refers to ALL furniture variants and colours as well as all clothes.

For a long time I had every furniture item in every colour but my clothing catalog was incomplete but I'm happy to announce that I now have a 100% catalog :)

(Really wish the double post answer wasn't there! No idea what that's about but maybe some mystical TBT power can fix it) (update: the mystical TBT power pulled thru for me)
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I am not a completionist at all. 🥱 Unless we're talking about my dinner plate. 🍽🤪 Same thing with the museum, I don't donate anything to it. I immediately sell fossils, fish and bugs. 🤑🚫🦉 I only purchase furniture and clothing that I like and might use for myself or for my villagers. 👍
I find "completing" the inventory for AC games excruciatingly painful. I only want to get the items that I need or will want to use. If I come across a DIY that I don't necessarily want, I will learn it anyway but I won't seek it out. Since restarting my island again, I don't think it'll be possible for me anyway because I won't TT to go get the '21 or '22 celebratory arches. I won't pay TBT on here to get them either. Its good for me because I tend to go OCD if I'm too serious about a game I am playing so playing NH in a very laidback sort of way helps me a lot.
I have a complete catalog from before the 2.0 update, but I don't have all the colors of the furniture post update because I figured I could just go to Cyrus any time I need a specific color.
Nope, I have a lot I guess but no where near complete. I like what I like I guess and so far have everything I (think 😂) want 💜
I know I'm really close to the second choice on the poll. Almost all the items but not all the colors. I think I might be missing a few items or at least in the DIY section for sure (..flower crowns)
Ive completed my catalogue except for the color variants and the clothing items so idk if that counts
I'm working to complete my catalogue, but even when I'm done, it won't technically be completed. I'm not going to buy the DLCs to get those items, and I know that there were promotional items, but I'm not bothering with them.

Completing my catalogue kind of crept up on me. At first, I just started using an outside website catalogue because it was driving me crazy, scrolling through Nook's Shopping again and again to figure out what I had already bought. Then I was just going to get all of the clothes variants but not bother with the furniture because I could just customize the furniture when I needed it. However, I started running out of storage space, and the idea of selling furniture to make room and then having to buy it again eventually to customize it was irritating me. Logically, it shouldn't matter as long as I never care about customizing furniture, but my brain is screaming at me, "That would be wasteful. Go customize the furniture before you sell it."

Also, I use The Ultimate Catalogue, and when I sort items with unchecked first, I have three categories of items - Unchecked, Partially Checked, and Checked. That also annoys me so I'm slowly working on customizing all of the Partially Checked items to get rid of that category.
No because I will still restart the game whenever I feel the urge to do something different with my island. Besides it takes forever to get all the Furniture Catalog in the game especially after the 2.0 update from 2021.
Completed it last year after finding the last 2 missing Handbags from Kicks. For the clothing I tried to just collect clothing from my 2 islands to make the game last longer. With the update it made furniture collecting easier. Kicks was a pain but he started appearing weekly on my main island. All players on both island have all the DIY recipes.
I've been working on it for a while, but pretty sporadically, and I also include non-reorderable items. From what I'm currently tracking, there are 142 items I still need, including DIYs/recipes, but I know I'm missing gifts from Katrina and other non-redorderables, as well. Was talking to a friend about it recently, and I realized I didn't have any of the items from Redd's raffle (except for the two I bought just to make sure I wasn't looking in the wrong section in Photopia), so I'll have to go back and makes lists for those eventually, too.
I won’t be completing the catalog because there are several items that I just don’t like at all.
My catalog isn’t 100% complete yet, but I’d like to get there eventually! I’m not sure what 100% completion will look like for me yet; if I want to include all variants of everything that shows up in the catalog, including unorderable and craftable stuff, or if I just want to focus on orderable stuff.

If I focus on orderable stuff only, I’m pretty close to having a complete catalog! I’m only missing 44 clothing items (including variants), 42 furniture items (including variants), and 5 rugs! I’ve made it a goal to get the remaining 91 items I’m missing myself. I don’t play New Horizons consistently anymore, if at all, so I’m not sure if/when I’ll get around to completing my catalog. I’m working on it, though!
Regarding all reorderable items yes I have all reorderable items and their color variants(pre and post 2.0) cataloged and I completed my catalog a long time ago. I also own all DIYs and have crafted every one at least once. I'm not exactly sure if I own all non-orderable items in the game but I have a lot so probably.
I have not completed my catalog. I don’t care for completion. I only get the items I want for my island and leave it at that. This goes for the museum, as well. I don’t care for museum exhibit completion or any of the in-game achievements. I treat Animal Crossing as an stress-free game, so I don’t want to stress about “completing” certain aspects of the game. I just try to have fun.
I've been using https://catalogue.ac/, and used the Twitter bot when it was available to properly have it uploaded, then went through and did color variants. I'm very close to finishing it, including color variants. Certain things are gonna take forever because I refuse to buy the golden shovel DIY, I want to legitimately earn that. And I'm putting off ordering from people here as long as possible.

I've also crafted every item.
I said that I am trying to complete it…but that makes it sound a little more organized than it is. It’s a pretty lackadaisical effort, especially when it comes to items I know I will never use, like most of the food items. But I’ll probably get there eventually(???)
I am not a completionist in games at all. I feel very accomplished with my completed museum on my island, as it is the first time I've actually managed to do it on an AC game. Now I'm working on collecting all the DIYs and recipes, which will be where I stop. Completing the catalog and/or getting all the achievements is too much for me personally. I'm not that dedicated.
I completed my entire catalog (and 100%ed the game) over a year ago! I definitely didn't intend to when I first started playing the game, as I had never done it in any previous game in the series, but after I ended up on TBT and was able to fill out most of my catalog thanks to the generosity of the community, it only felt right to try and complete the entire thing.
I finished my catalog and have all furniture and clothing, with all color variants for both, but only on my first island. I won't be doing the same with my second island.