RedTropicalPeachyFish Jul 24, 2019 Hi! Pickup is fine. Just, since I've transported them to my storage town, I would ask you to excuse me for the mess! Also, I'd appreciate to continue in the thread next time! It's easier for me to keep everything in there when I'm on mobile.
Hi! Pickup is fine. Just, since I've transported them to my storage town, I would ask you to excuse me for the mess! Also, I'd appreciate to continue in the thread next time! It's easier for me to keep everything in there when I'm on mobile.
RedTropicalPeachyFish Jul 22, 2019 Oh no no you're fine! And aw things to take care of earlier in the morning haha same here~ Hope you have a comfortable rest. G'night. ☆
Oh no no you're fine! And aw things to take care of earlier in the morning haha same here~ Hope you have a comfortable rest. G'night. ☆
RedTropicalPeachyFish Jul 22, 2019 Hi! Ah. I haven't done yet sorry ;; I'll let you know when I do though!
Glad Mads Jul 18, 2019 hi! no worries! im currently having someone pick up their order so in like 7 mins i will VM you! sorry for any inconvenience!
hi! no worries! im currently having someone pick up their order so in like 7 mins i will VM you! sorry for any inconvenience!