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  • Oh, no worries! I was a bit busy as well. I'll be availalable for awhile tonight - I'll check the site every now and then, so just hmu whenever you get back. And, I'll be available tomorrow from around 5 PM CT and onwards, so we could do the trade then too.
    Alright, sounds like a plan. Hopefully it all gets sorted out tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of your night. :)
    Aw man. Well, I guess we could try again tomorrow - I'll be available from around 7 PM CT and onwards. And, please don't feel bad - I promise you that I'm not mad at you. <3
    Mm, I guess we can have one more go at it once you've checked the router. Hopefully it works. If not, we can always do it tomorrow. And it's fine, don't worry about it c:
    Oh no ;o; has this only been happening today? I don't know, perhaps you can check the wifi router or something.
    Aw, no worries! Well, I've gotten the hybrids ready and everything, so just lmk when I can come over! <3
    I really appreciate your understanding ^^; Again I'm really sorry! I can come deliver them right now if you're able.
    Oh no! I'm so sorry. You are not bothering me or being a pain, that is absolutely my bad. I'll bring two more, and don't worry about paying for the extra since it's my bad!!
    My gate is open! The flowers are on the southern beach. Ignore how messy my town looks atm lol
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