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  • Exactly my friendo.
    Well good! Glad you're satisfied with your new town. :)
    My most hated ones are the fish and bug ones, where you have to use your net and rod 5000 times each. BS.
    I want to hack my GCN version, according to a friend I can hack my gamecube without and Action Replay, they did explain how but I may just buy an AR. Although I don't feel like spending $50+ on it...
    xD You cried over a lily? Kidding, I've gotten pissed for like hours because one of my dreamies moved out, sometimes the villagers move on top of 9 flowers (10 including the one in front of the door) and ruin many/all/any/everything. xP
    Do amiibo cards move on their own? I have 2 in my town right now and they've been here for months with all my time traveling and not once have they said they're moving. I usually have to bring in another amiibo or somehow get a regular to kick them out.
    Sorry I haven't been active, I've been super busy lately and I'm still pretty busy. :/
    If you're still interested I might be able to do this weekend, I understand if you're not interested though.
    That's so sweet! I always try to have free space, but it never works out. Especially for a giveaway.
    I would restart it honestly, I don't really have much put into the town, it's just my character; Almost all badges, encyclopedia's almost complete, catalog (which I don't have to sell but some are un-orderables and possibly don't have anymore), badges are really difficult sometimes to get, encyclopedia not really worried about, time travel anyway, its kind of a thing where I feel I would be really sad and disappointed in myself if I did restart and then vice versa.
    I've wanted to hack my games for so long honestly, I would never use it to say taking advantage of other people and their towns, or anything like that. Same here, I would probably mainly do it for the villager placement, been time traveling for a few hours now to get ones to move out but then more move in and in even worse spots. xD
    Yes...not too proud honestly.
    Ah I see, that is completely understandable.
    You're welcome! I always like to help when someone is restarting or just needs to hold items, I may have to soon have someone hold items for me as well whilst I redecorate my town. I say "redecorate" because my town is littered with hybrids and I need some space for PWP's, paths, cool little areas with some patterns, etc. But with school and the job I am hopefully getting soon, I may not be on as much or even get around to redoing my town (for the 8th time xD) until about winter break or even summer again.
    No problem!
    I appreciate the offer, it's too late now anyway and you're restarting/already restarted (which I was going to even ask if you wanted me to hold some items but I never got the chance to, sorry hon :/)
    Hello! Sorry! I don't know why I never got your VM, (perhaps because you accidentally posted three times?) also sorry I couldn't come over to get some stuff. Thanks for the opportunity though <3
    You're so sweet! But I must decline 10 of them, you ordered 30 flowers not 40. (unless you were just being nice than thank you but still I must give ten back. :))
    the gate is open again ^^

    the villagers can also fill out the forum if they are on mainstreet, but I think only if they live in town.
    the gate is open again ^^

    the villagers can also fill out the forum if they are on mainstreet, but I think only if they live in town.
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