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  • Thanks so much for sending the TBT! And oh my gosh, I'm so flattered that you're using them as your Toyhouse icons!! ;u;
    *too lonK to fit*

    awww biskit is your bb cuddly plush <33 Since i had to move nana out, idr who her replacment was but i might just move Biskit into ichigo and i'll TRYYY to make him live next to you ;D that would be so cute!
    Exactly so many people talk about how it helped them through hard times, others think it stupid/nerdy/bs but it's actually hard for me to make myself feel better when i'm down.. obviously.. this is why im on meds ROFL but acnl literally has brought me comfort when i was sad. i feel like the creators of animal crossing are just pure angels and they're kind of talking to us through the villagers, and they want us to be genuinely happy <3
    yes i feel uuu, and i'm not sure if i hate them 100%, i honestly need to do more research on it though because they do say it causes even adult men who play them to be more violent. I'd like to look into if that's true or not? or if they just simply were always violent people who are obvs going to flock to violent entertainment.
    GIRL LMAO! go AWFFF, yes though! and parents should stop buying their kids the games :rolleyes: my baby brother tries to play them too, like GTA oml.... and my parents had to take it away from him because he "promised he wouldn't be bad/say bad things like in the game" and boom he starts repeating the bad things at school -_- (he just turned 9)
    yeah exactly!! like i'm not going to sit here and say it's false video games never cause violence, but that's VIOLENT GaMES? like they should learn to differentiate instead of just saying all games are bad for us :/
    Not only that but i'd say younger children are more prone to act violent if they play lots of violent games but only b/c they are children and easily impressionable? and they like to copy things they see.
    When i was into acnl deep and felt sad, (usually about missing my bf so i would cry agsfhglfk) and i'd log on my town and talk to my animals and felt a little happier :) one of them mainly being peaches! thats why i love her so much now and shes an official dreamy *-* <333
    omg <3 thank U this is so cute! esp the art piece and just, the fire crackling, it feels like the art piece is alive??? and the musics coming from it you feel me
    I always love the comment section on animal crossing music ;c everyone is so cute
    ...i legit said that and then read a comment " "video games cause violence" me:" and the responses ASDFGHJKL "*repeatedly hits villagers with shovel*" "i would beat a b**** a** for insulting animal crossing"
    awwww so cute <3!
    ahh look what The Pennifer made me ;__; click
    literally so cute!! my mayor looks like a lil bb <3 c:
    Oui, si je n'avais acheté une switch j'aurais acheté celui-là! Tu vas voir le direct d'ACNH? Je suis vraiment heureux de le voir!

    Ici, il a été 32 degrés avant-hier. C'est le pire!
    Oui, ils sont très stupides!

    Ici, ce mois il va être 30 degrés. TROP CHAUD pour février :(

    As-tu vu la nouvelle Switch d’ACNH! C’est très belle ^^
    i finished ur cutie Selene tonight ;___; ahhHHH im actually kinda proud of it ;33 i think its cuter than the other drawing i showed you <3 which is like ...?!?!?! b/c all my digital drawings used to be trash so idk how i made an evEN cuter one. https://imgur.com/2qYXhEP
    (still not that cute, ik im trash, sdfghjkloyg)
    Le moins que ma ville a jamais été est -7 degrés, mais je n'étais pas encore né, donc c'est seulement -1 ou -2 degrés pour moi. Les hivers ne sont pas si froids, je ne crois pas qu'il y a des personnes qui pensent que le réchauffement global n'existe pas -_-

    Je viens de finir le documentaire de Taylor Swift dans Netflix appelé Miss Americana. C'était génial!
    j'aimerais bien faire ski un jour!

    Le froid a terminé ici. Il fera 28 et 29 les prochaines jours! C’est définitivement le plus chaud hiver depuis longtemps
    U really think ;---; ur just too sweet
    and no i haven;t boughten the switch yet i'm waiting til march when it's close to release cause they might come out w/ an animal crossing one? even if not i bought my 3ds after acnl came out too \._./
    i only buy new systems for animal crossing as u can see
    Hi, thanks for replying! It's totally fine, I just thought it was worth an ask. &#55357;&#56470;
    This is late, but yes I'm still interested in my chibi icon. (details in your message on my page) ✨
    i know right. <_< >_> don't hate me pls;
    I like to earn my collectibles now since literally everyone, even newbies?? want collectibles so the prices are just ridic. i get annoyed when i think i'm on time to participate in an event and its like naw that was last week allainah f u for not getting on everyday.
    Same here when acnh comes out i'll def be a loser again rofl. i'm trying to be atleast a little active rn so i can gather some tbt when the game comes out. Also working on my art as i showed you ;3 i'm hoping i get better by then too and could sell ? what a dream that would be but i cant even imagine my art being sellable aahahha
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