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  • Hi! I've decided that since the background for Canaan is pretty busy, there's no need for the villagers to be standing on stuff. As for Diamond, could you make all the villagers stand on those roses? Also, are there other colors of the gems you used for Diamond's border? I think I'd prefer rainbow to just pink. Thanks! :)
    so far it's pretty cool. i think my sketch came out way better first try then w/ the other tablet?
    or maybe my drawing in general just improved idk lmao
    the only thing is i can't get the wireless to work, but i dont want to get annoyed so ill keep it plugged in
    I will :~) and im trying out a different drawing application (firealpaca)
    people say its legit just like paint tool sai but it's actually free, so you don't have to worry about downloading a bad link & getting viruses.
    Aww that's cute though :3
    i'm only 20, and tbh don't plan on having kids til like late 20's early 30's (is that weird ? Lmao)
    so idk why im thinking about this but I hope I make a decent income during that time & I can take my kids to disney a lot <3 that would be cool
    message ended abruptly cause it turned green, seee okie!
    i was just waiting btw cause the booklet says to restart the battery once it is green, i dont wanna mess it up

    ~fighting is postponed~
    LoooL yeah i know i need to go but it's expensive! that's probably why I haven't yet.
    I was thinking of going this christmas buut i just moved so im already out of pocket a lot of money, and im probably going to wait on getting a job, or even if i don't wait idk if they would give me enough time off to fly down to FL and go to disney w/ my family considering im new.

    b.t.w just restarted my computer (cause it tells me I should after installing the wacom stuff...) and now the battery is yellow? who wants to fight me??????
    i imagine it shouldnt take much longer to turn back to green lool. the booklet says to
    what the heckle, tbt didn't notif me you VM'd me lmao
    and aww :c im sorry! but atleast you've been there before, i LIVE IN FL AND I'VE NEVER BEEN TO DISNEY?
    insane. i really want to go to disney for christmas + halloween.
    I also really wanna go to Cedar Point (its in ohio ;) so maybe i will) for halloween. also universal studios cause they do somethin for it.
    Oh yeah & since you're going to create Yurei into a fall / foresty town here's a board I made on pinterest today consisting of that theme! it has more than just qr's , there's some pattern tutorials for signs and pictures of towns / rooms i added for inspiration.
    I only use pinterest for acnl codes lmao so sorry if you already know but if you zoom in on the pic then click the image again sometimes it'll bring you to the page it was taken from. which is useful it it's a single pattern cause there might be more patterns to go with it!
    Do they celebrate Halloween in France?
    that's probably my favorite holiday so if no.... i can't f w/ you guys lmao
    lmao omg,
    tbh i feel like a lot of people wanna take a vacation somewhere warm for christmas, im the complete opposite? nah I wanna be freezing my butt off next to a fireplace in a cute house next to my christmas tree :~) .... eating marshmallows..... drinking hot chocolat ~
    yeah that's around the same time it starts to get cold in the U.S :) unless you live in the south its more like.... chilly in January and that it haha :c

    I always get spooked when I watch YT of people from different countries saying it's winter, then it's summer fro me. im thinking like ?? what planet u from again ??
    that's understandable, too much of one season will get pretty boring.
    & i've never experienced long periods of winter so I can't really say for myself haha
    yeah that's what google told me I wasn't sure if i made it look less cute or w.e
    but when I translate it, apparently bebe can mean something else in a diff language so I think i'll edit it in now~
    I looove the cold, i actually make my mom mad all the time cause im constantly putting the A/C up.
    i love when it's freezing in the house & I get to wear comfy pajamas :~)
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