A r i a n e

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  • yee it you ;)

    i listen to music on youtube when im on my computer, & when im on my phone i use spotify c:
    well I've never had to save anything to my comp up until now, since i'm getting into digital art :o
    hopefully I get a new laptop soon!

    also im trying a thing, https://gyazo.com/bb2f19e6fb25c45b5066eb9872f52f68
    im using the outline i did yesterday and seeing if i can just alter the clothes/mouth/hair layers to do other mayors / ocs ? hopefully it works out lmao
    lol omgg
    my computer is a piece of .... BLEEP
    it would no be able to handle that many files :c
    yayy! :D i can't wait, i bet shes gonna look soo cute <33

    also wow, i bet you have a crap ton of files saved on your computer lmao
    okay ty!
    i think i always save it as a png, im not familiar w/ the different saving options >-<
    by the way i just now understood what you meant about coloring the mouth, i thought you meant the outline at first loool i have no idea why coloring inside the mouth completely flew over my head
    No that makes sense the way you explained it! it might be confusing at first buut practice c:
    how do you open the different layers of lines? everytime I save on paint sai then transfer to photoshop it's just one outline, maybe that's why it looks a lil messy? :eek:
    Thanks so much!!!!! I. Errrrr. Went on a shopping spree earlier. Lmao. Mind if I pay you shortly!? I promise not to use it until I send the 30 over! I will have it very soon!
    Thank you so much Ariane for the signature! You do not know how greatful I am for this! Looks amazing!!! Sending over TBT right away
    ooh! i actually saw someone in the museum thread a couple days ago who did a doodle w/ the bangs lowered in opacity over the eyes,
    how would you do that??
    3rd vm: lolol i wanted to ask, what would you do with the bangs? I think it looks cute going under the way I did it buuut kinda weird cause?? what are her eyes over her hair... lmao
    but then to me it looked ugly with the hair going over :/ hmm
    I actually love the way the legs came out. What I usually do now is i don;t trace both eyes / legs instead I copy & paste them so it's even.
    Oooo okay im def going to listen to that today , thank uu :D
    Also what do you mean by color the mouth ? like a redish type color or something? cause that's what I was thinkin.
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