A r i a n e

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  • http://imgur.com/oIyfD7Z

    okie all I have to draw next is your flower! but im going to look at tutorials first then attempt that, then tomorrow i will look at coloring tutorials & do that ^~^
    im either going to color the roses black or orange? not sure yet and I tried to make the stuff higher up smaller to give the appearance of distance but idk if that was successful lmao
    Awwww thank you so much! im glad you like it so much! :D cause im pretty proud of this one so it means a lot
    i will ALSO add on her flower , i almost forgot about that lmao
    can't forget ari's classic hibiscus clip
    Yess! :D

    also! im some-what finished w/ my outline of you & biskit -> CLICKY
    I'm pretty sure i'm going to redraw the plate later on & probably add a scenery and also tidy up things that i see as i go along cause I want this picture to be the best I can do, not just a quick lil doodle ^~^
    Okay does that say "welcome to France" ??
    cause bienvenue sounds familiar if i'm right im gonna be happy c: lmfao
    I guess I was in a rush due to the struggle of finding the proper format. I'm okay with html....not bb code. I'll change that right now.
    omg did i really! i didn't even know that how i always write biscuit :eek:
    i am now officially a frenchh babe ~~
    I hope you aren't offended that I'm using Issi's art as my signature. You're the Signature Queen, of course, but I just thought it was so cute lol. :)
    idk how it changed so much but the funny this is i'm A LOT less careful when i draw, i legit just make sketches and even when im using a ref of a mayor i will just look at it and draw as i go
    Wooooah. I was just looking through my drawing binder and i drew these two literally when i started talking to you about my art & stuff which was like a month ago right? 1 2

    and then this is what i did recently 1 2
    ohh! I never knew there was a limit on here for VM's :eek:
    I will PM you my email cause idk if you're aloud to publicly post that info lmao
    i want to think of an idea before i start drawing.
    do you have any simple ideas for me to put your mayor w/ biskit? I want something so their interacting not just standing next to eachother lmao
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