A r i a n e

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  • Did you find any items you want this time :O
    also if you have any specific things in mind you're looking for I can get them to you for free probably since I have a lot of different things :)
    I would just continue the giveaway more days buuut i'm moving soon so i've started getting busy >=<
    yeah i have a bunchh cause I was a TT'ing freak.
    you can come again in like 30 mins if you want to c: i'm sure there will be plenty of clovers left cause no one ever seems to go for them
    here's the link to tha giveaway -> x

    you can comment first when you're ready & itll bump it for everyone to see :)
    Let me know when you're ready for me to drop off the perfect apples c:
    & ill start up the giveaway right after
    Yah so far it's been fun, cause i like doing giveaways ^~^
    i don't need these items & it makes other ppl really happy!
    the only person who kinda got on my nerves was this one (new) user who made a selling thread afterwards selling a BUNCH of things i know they got from my town. like i don't mind if someone trades all of the items, or sells some of it but all ....? idk kinda rude. but it's w.e what can ya do.
    plus im pretty sure they were asking if i had a tweeter when they entered my town but they never found it. i searched my town afterwards cause i KNEW i had one still i was going to VM them and be like here you go!
    but uhh.... nvm lolol
    I not only like it, I LOVE IT!!! Thank you so much again!! and oh, no rush, I will just ask you when you have time..I know you are busy with other siggies and artwork so if I have any qs. I'll ask later!! Thank you again!!
    HI Ariane, Thank you so much!! It was even better than expected!! Love it.!! and yes , I will just use the html codes for links if you can help me with that as well. But for now , I think its awesome and perfect!!
    yay haha :D
    i actually got this idea from someone else who did somethin similar besides you had to pay tbt to get in & I find it really fun its like a scavenger hunt for rare items :eek:
    Okay I can drop them off tomorrow then! ill do it before i open the giveaway & of course i'll VM you <3 :blush:
    idk if you're still on your game today but I can drop off those perf apples for you <3
    it's going good :) will you be available tomorrow? i'll be on in the morning time too (which i think is afternoon for you right?)
    that's when i'm doing it again!~ & ill also let everyone visit twice c:
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