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  • yeah i like minimalist one better too they look clean
    idk honestly doesn't seem that way, lacking seems rude to me like theyre saying it's sub-par lolol
    oh yeah and before i changed my sig & it was the graveyard one you made me someone literally critiqued how I didn't have "certain things" in my sig.
    like ummm.... its describe it in one word, not tell me what to do better?
    idk but once you go outside of the trading threads people are so catty its ugly
    omg...? have you seen that "describe the sig above you with one word" thread?
    someone described mine as "lacking"
    like was that meant to be insulting, kinda sounds it
    awww omg i'm so sorry :'c that's sad
    did the cat pass due to age or something else?
    regardless i'm sure it was in some sort of pain so they can be at peace now
    t.b.h i thought about giving up the black cat because it was my moms to being with & she's one of those cats that mess with everything & meow a loot so it gets on my nerves sometimes buuuttt
    she loves my Teddy & he loves her so i could never do that!
    omg i love the photo of them together tiny & then all grown up soo cute!!
    I wish I had my kitty when he was a kitten, he's from the shelter & i got him at 2 years old. i bet he was a cute lil floooof ball baby
    I will upload a pic from my phone to imgur of my black cat, i only have a picture of her with Teddy, & you can see their body in comparison, really shows how fat + big he is lmaoo
    ikr he's a big fooof!! i'm also 100000% a cat person. I have 2 cats, one big fat fluffy one named Teddy & a black cat w/ yellow eyes named Midnight :) (my mom named her lmao)

    yeah i bought myself a drawing tablet when i got it,
    i want to learn to draw like that!! so i need to practice, hope i dont regret it though lmao
    I am in love with it! Thank you so much it's gorgeous. I'm so happy, I did pay right? ^^
    I love your sig!! They all look so cute together!! Don't forget to send the payment for Lexy whenever you get the chance, I hope you have a great rest of your day. <3
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