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  • There's really no need to worry about paying me haha. I offered to draw :)

    I'm still gonna draw Edith though ' 3 '
    Oh wow! It looks great. Thank you so much
    Are you sure I don't need to pay anymore ;v;???
    that was fast! i actually like it a lot better w the background change. but i dont like the colors i picked i guess they don't go. maybe you could pick the coloring? for the border/words so that it meshes well together :~)
    thank you! im going to send tbt right now. i can't figure out if I don't like my background or the shape i choose. would it be too much to ask you to change the background in the signature & then do another sig with the background change but also change the shape to a heart (like the shape you had for millie's) so i can compare which i like better? i'm going to send 40 tbt instead, if you need more tbt just let me know cause i really appreciate your art! <3
    Have you not noticed I'm stingy with it? Lmao, it's a problem. I always appreciate YOUR art! ^__^

    Did you see Wonderwoman?
    Ahh, sorry about that! You're like the 6th person who's tried to send me a PM, but I'm too lazy to clean it out. owo But I will actually clean it out today!! Okay, here I go with my traditional paragraph of lovey-doveyingness.

    *screams* hdeukhdsvno THIS IS THE CUTEST THING EVER! Good God, everything about it! *____________* Her eyes are adorable, the highlights and shading is perfect! ♡♡♡ I'm in love with her expression and her FLOWER CROWN ahhhhh! Also it's super pink! ^o^

    "Continued support", gurl puh-leze. I just say what needs to be said about the photoshop QUEEN! ♡♡♡♡♡
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