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  • Ok. Cool. ^.^ Thanks for the signature.

    I'd like to remove Beardo, Jitter, Anchovy, and Julian from the signature. Replacing them with Greta, Boone, and Merengue. I would also like to move Zucker to where Julian was.
    No keep the TBT! :eek:

    I just kinda would like the Background of fhe Signature to the Moon and have the Shine Sprite as the "obtained sprite".
    np about the TBT. :eek:

    Anyways... I kinda thought of it and thought of having the Signature that you made for me. D: I'll keep the Sun and Moon sprites as links. :eek:
    Sorry if I bothered you. :(
    If the Sun and Moon aren't linkable i might just need the Signature

    I'm sorry if I'm being a bother. D:
    Wait, is it possible to make the Sun and Moon linkable? :eek:
    I sent you TBT for it. :eek:
    oh my your minimalist mayors are the best things i've ever seen! when you decide to open requests back up, would you let me know? thank you so much <3
    I keep admiring Canaan's signature. It's just so perfect! Like, I just gave you a theme and let you go wild, and you somehow managed to create exactly what I had in mind. You're amazing. :blush:
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