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  • Hi! Could you possibly resize this image to be the same size as my transparent mayor? And make it transparent if possible? I'll pay if required. :)

    You live in FRANCE?! Oh my goodness, luckyy! Lol. I don't need one, just thought I'd tell you. <3
    hey girly! ♡ just thought I'd day that you should make St. Patrick's day cards since you love making 'em so much! ^_^
    Brilliant, that looks perfect!
    and that's alright! I'll send some tbt over to you in a min~ Thank you so much for these lovely banners!
    Oh gosh, these are brilliant - Thank you so much!
    There's only one banner that I'd like edited: For the Corrin one (Roles), is it okay to ask for the background shape to be removed?
    Otherwise, please let me know how much you'd like to be paid for these! <3
    Hello...I am in search of a Sig and word around the way is YOU are the one to contact...

    I am extremely new to the community, and am not informed on how to trade currency.. up I have the bells if you can make me a sig (and tell me how I get the tbt to you!)
    Please contact me if you're willing to do one for me. Thanks again so much!!
    Also what info do you need to make my sig?
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