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  • Hey there! I was just about to start your mayor drawing but I noticed the link to Mayor Edith's ref wasn't working. It kept leading to a blank page. :( Would you mind sending it again?
    Yep just the sprite, the ref is just there if you wanted to edit it or make a different one.
    Hello! I'm so sorry to bother you again!! But could you change my signature currently I have dobie June Octavian bea Norma raddle Hopkins Lolly muffy and zucker :)
    Hello, hello! Could you update my signature again? I've got apples now! :D I also would like to have Nibbles and Chrissy removed (I got rid of Chrissy because I didn't really like her anymore) and just to have 8 dreamies on the list, if that's okay? Also how much would it cost to get a new transparent mayor(s) picture?
    Yup that worked perfectly! Thanks a lot, I might have to purchase another from you sometime since you do such a lovely job!
    AH I love it so much! The shape and everything is perfect! The only thing is, I feel that the writing blends in a bit too much so is it possible to have it be a lighter blue with less gray (or a gradient fill) so that it is contrasted more against the background (which I LOVE btw)

    Thanks and if you cant its no big deal ^_^

    Sending 80tbt now though! I appriciate your hard work!

    EDIT: To clarify the 'Rainfall' and 'Willow' text, the small text is just fine ;)
    Hello! I would like to update my signature now that I have Lucky and Stitches! I also would like to change Cherry to Chester, if you don't mind? I can pay for it.
    awesome! take as much time as you need and I will send 80tbt when you are done! Thanks so much and I am super excited to see the finished sig, I am sure you will do a lovely job ;)
    It took almost a month, and I'm so sorry! But here is Mayor Edith, watermarked. If you could please pay the 100 TBTB for her that would be nice! Thanks for ordering <3

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