A r i a n e

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  • Hey! So sorry to bother you again but I’m having trouble updating my signature with the new image. It’s just showing up as a little empty box.. could you possibly help? :)
    Oh, les orages me manquent vraiment! Il n'y a pleuré plus, on appelle ça "le faux été". Les jours ensoleillés sont retournés, et il fait trop chaud encore :(. Je crois qu'il ne va pleurer pas jusqu'à le prochain mercredi. Tu es vraiment chanseuse de ton climat!

    J'aime ta nouvelle image de profil! C'est très été!
    Coolio! So the only 2 villager images that would be staying are Daisy and Goldie. I need the other villagers (can’t remember their names :3) to be swapped out for Bea, Shep, Mac, Cherry, Cookie, Lucky, Maddie, and Butch! Thank you so much again! How much do I need to pay you? :)
    Oh yay! I actually just found your shop again after I VMed you :3 I think I’ll just put all the villagers that I want to achieve to avoid constant changes.. should I pm you with the details or is vm fine?
    Les pluies se terminent en octobre. Dans cette époque il y a beaucoup des jours très nuageux, on ne voit pas le soleil vraiment. Il pleut presque tous les jours, et il y a de l'humidité . Les pluies de juin sont un peu courts et légères, en forme de grains. Les pluies de juillet sont très agressives, en forme de tourment électrique, avec beaucoup vent et trop pluie, et ils durent plusieurs heures. Il peut y même avoir des ouragans, mais à de rares occasions. Les pluies d'août et septembre sont presque les mêmes que juillet, et les pluies d'octobre son plus faibles, ils me ressemblent aux pluies de la France. Maintenant les températures sont vraiment hautes, 32 degrés, mais avec les pluies, ils vont descendre à 26 ou 28 degrés, comme un été plus européen!
    also i wanted to tell you, my new favorite movie rn is Interstellar (i just watched it a week ago) if you've never seen it UMMM please please please do. i don't have very many movies i call my fave but my god this one is amazing
    Hi A r i a n e! Sorry to bug you but I just came back from a long break (left January) but I’m back now that it is summer! If you are still making signatures, could you do small changes on mine? I have some villagers that would need to be swapped. Thank you in advance and again, sorry to bug you if you no longer do signatures! <3
    yeea i drew my mayor from sematary !ill try to remember to send it to you
    and it depends i feel like all gaming laptops don't go below 600$ :s and the good ones, which i wanna get, is like $1k and up ;_;
    what kind of projects are you going to do? I thought i would make my cats a bed too. I want to make a wood frame or something around it too b/c i swear if it's not rEaL furniture then they get bored of it and just lay on my bed or a chair. I can't really buy cat furniture b/c Teddy is so big lmao ;-; even the XL stuff like no guys my cat is not just 3 inches longer than the average cat y'all he's basically a baby bear thank you.
    Je crois que je la colonization fut mal, mais aujourd'hui on est fier d'être métis et de parler espagnol et d'avoir une culture influencé très européene.
    Je veux savoir quel est l'opinion de les européens de la colonization de l'Amérique et des autres continents ^^. Le mois passé notre président a envoyé un lettre aux Rois de l'Espagne pour démander pardon pour la colonization et la guerre, ce que s'est passé en 1810! Après cela, tout les mexicains ont offri une excuse aux Rois de l'Espagne pour notre président.
    Oh yay! I would need Dobie replaced with W. Link, and him, Skye, Freya and Whitney stamped as obtained. Still happy to send you a few bells at least for the time :) It's Sundast, Mayor Brii
    That's very true sims is addicting >_> i think I've gotten past the point of playing all day everyday though since ive been playing it for a couple months; its easier to just get on for a an hour then get off.
    I really should do some DIY projects for decoration around my apartment :eek: since i'm a cheapy who never buys any but really wants some lolol.
    I'm going to do schoolwork today & hopefully after i can manage to complete ONE drawing :~) and girl yes my computer sucks so bad too idk how it's even handling the Sims 4 and on top of that OFC you have to download custom content or everything's just ugly. I want to get a gaming laptop by the end of this year, idk if it will happen or not since they're so expensive but i'll try to save up ;-;

    edit: ooo i was just setting up my list of things i have to get when i get paid and another cat scratching post was one of them because they tore it up preety bad; but it would prob be way better to make my own? and gives me a DIY project ;D
    Hi Ariane I'm not sure if you're still doing minor changes but if you are, can you change the name on my signature from Nana to Nancy? :) please and thank you!
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