A r i a n e

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  • hey! Is it okay if I go to your town to sell my apples? I found you bc ur one of the most recent to make a thread lol
    Actually I thought I already sent you the bells! I sent 30, since I was so happy with the work. Should've been right after you posted the first image in your thread :confused:

    Thank you so much again! This has by far got to be my favorite kind of avatar! I'm gonna save a copy of both to my laptop, and maybe if I buy an avatar extension one day I can use the bigger one as well. I'm perfectly content with this one though. I hope your shop does well, art like this deserves it ><
    I don't think I have the bells for an extension, so if you could make it smaller, I'd be very grateful! I'm sorry to make your work even more ;c
    Just to be safe lol, you can see what I mean if you view my post on your art thread for example. The box is still a little to light ><
    I love it! The avatar fits perfectly, but and I don't mean to be such a butt, can you make it anymore transparent? Or make the color match the avatar spot a little closer? It's like super close, but you can still see the box. It's beautiful either way though, I still love it, and if ya can't fix the square I'm okay with that! :D
    Can I still get the pave floor? it took me ages to reply because I took a shower
    That'd be great, i added both ur fc's as i dont know which one i shouldve added XD im opening now
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