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  • Oops! I didn't realize we were on different time zones, sorry! That's fine :) How about we try again the next time we're both online on the forum?
    That's really weird that we can't connect, it's the first time I've seen this issue. That's unfortunate :( I really wish I could have helped you get your new item :(
    I'll try once more, but if it doesn't work that's ok! Just come over to mine instead. Hmm... No, not working. I'll open for you ^.^
    Haha no worries! The song is pretty cute and upbeat if you ever want to look it up. I never watched Lost, but that's cool that there is a Desmond in it! ^-^ I totally get the name association thing though.

    Oh my goodness! Texas and Zelda are very cute, and your Daisy is gorgeous! What pretty kitties! ^-^ <3 Thanks for the pictures! I always like to see cute cat pictures!
    Thank you! ^///^ Aww I like your kitties names! Hmm I'm not sure how to post pics on VM's either. You could PM them if you want.

    Actually I am a HUGE fan of The Beatles, so they are named after the couple from the song Obladi Oblada! ^-^
    Ok sounds good! I have added you and my gate is open so come over whenever you are ready. It will be Mayor Samantha of Arlia!

    And not to worry! My kitty is perfectly fine! It was just a yearly exam. ^-^ Thanks for asking!
    Hi there! I am still interested. Sorry for the delay! I had to take my kitty to the vet this morning. Let me know when you are ready! Delivery right?
    Ok, I'll wait for you both! :)
    And sorry if my plea sounded bad, but in this forum I had twice or thrice such experiences... I know not everyone is guilty, but sadly neither everyone is innocent.
    I added you too, and my station is already open :) Town is New Leaf. Just PLEASE, don't run over my flowers and don't steal anything, ok?...
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