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  • yes, i do! i can keep him in boxes for a while, so no worries there ^^ just let me know what time works best for you!
    Welcome back--hope you had an enjoyable trip! So sorry I missed you yesterday.

    I have the day off today, and should be available after 12:00 noon (CDT/GMT -5) for a few hours. There may be a small window of time between 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. (CDT), but I can't guarantee it. Please let me know if the time frame is convenient for you.

    Did you still want two black tulips for the two regular pink balloons?
    hey! you're looking for clay, right? he just moved into my cycling town, so if you'd like, i can notify you once he's in boxes :)
    hi welcome back! i'm sure you won't see this for awhile since it's very early in the morning for your time zone, i will probably be able to pick up around 6-8pm in your time zone if that works? i'll send a vm when i'm available :>
    Ah you can come to my town if you'd like. As long as you don't mind going through the clover dialogue 32 times!
    Hey welcome back!
    I'll be online for a couple hours and can trade whenever you're free.
    Hey~ Did you ever get clay? He's in the town of the game I just bought but I plan on resetting so my partner can create his town when he gets home~
    Okay. I have 2 Jacob's Latters, I would like to trade
    Them for 1 Red and 1 Pink Heart Balloons please and thank you. ;w;
    Yeah i was really happy with the stark reunion, i actually teared up a bit haha. I like Tyrionthe most.. And Jamie is not so bad when he isnt stuck up his sisters butt lol. But yeah Cersei is pretty interesting. Im actually quite excited to see where her character goes next season now that she's lost all of her kids and finally in charge with no one in her way, you know?
    Well just let me know when you are free and want to play together. Have a good trip c:
    okay! it's pretty late in your time zone so i'm assuming you're not available currently, but if you are i'll be ready to trade in the next hour. if not, i'm fine with waiting until monday! :) have a good weekend
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