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  • I've got to leave the forums now--a severe thunderstorm warning has been issued for my area. Will try to check back later.
    Hi! I should be available to trade today for another hour or two. If you'd like, we can trade in my town (Hovilla).

    Which two black hybrids (black roses, black lilies, black tulips, or black cosmos) did you want for the two regular pink balloons?
    Hey, I know it's 1am where you live (same for me), but I saw you're online and was wondering if you are able to trade now? It's from the balloon thread. :)
    Thank you, sorry about the continuous mishaps lol i opened up the gates again
    ah, gosh darn my wifi gave up before I could close :/
    Any chance you have time to do this again? Maybe 2 by 2 but coming and going so it doesn't explode again?
    I have plenty space in my town :) I'll open up the gates right away if you're good!
    Are you available now for the igb-tbt exchange? What method do you prefer? :)
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