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  • if you're okay w/ it hun then yes! c:
    thank you <3 so so sweet to me ;-;

    and I have my first day tomorrow at 8am!! a lil early since i'm 30 mins away but i'm excited/nervous . idk if i told you but i applied to Panera. I think they wanted me b/c i'm willing to work openings which most people don't...? but idk i don't mind cause there's less customers in the morning so it's all quiet and cozy in there ;o lmao
    Sorry for the next update for the signature
    is it okay you can replace Skye with Roald, but keep the red rose next to Roald

    I missed Roald so I decided to not have Skye in my town and actually cause I already have Skye in my other town.
    Thank you so much! The signature is awesome :) I sent over the tbt but let me know if i did something wrong :) turned out great!
    and ahhy you're so sweet hun thank u<3
    if it's Lucky i'll let you if i don't have enough c;
    i'll save up if it's Anhka b/c i'm probably just going to sell it in the future anyway
    yeah omg some people get so into the village voting and are rude as hell lmao
    i personally don't like anhka and i know it's going to come down to her and Lucky buuut i'm not gonna be rude aboot it you know.
    that's exactly how i felt voting against Stitches :/// i loove him but Kiki ??? idk ;-;

    it went good! i got the job c: and i have orientation on Sunday at 9am
    Great you remember that dumb glitch that my signature turns out small but its suppose to be bigger then it is. Its doing that again, like really I have no idea why it does that to me now, but I'll keep trying to fix it.
    I just looked at marshalfangirl's signature to see if its the same size as my and it is so now I know that the size is okay and thx for the edit for Sterling.
    I'm kinda worried that you don't think the signature is to big right because the biggest size is up to 500 by 150 pixels
    this signature is 708x205 that's the size, hm maybe it won't look so bad if you can make it little smaller.

    wait I'm just going to wait for it to say if it is to big or not, because I think its fine.
    I'll let you know if it is to big or not.
    thx for the update, man its very pretty

    oops sorry I must have forgotten to say Sterling was obtained too
    sorry if its not a problem to add the rose next to him.
    yes, I'll make the two towns a separate order later on! sorry for any confusion and thank you as always! <3
    ofc hun and you do help actually! it makes me feel better to talk it out and see you care c: <3
    I have lab for biology then a job interview at Panera after, i'm gonna take my meds for that so i'm not as nervous. it should be an okay day.
    I want to get on here this weekend to play & earn some tbt for the new collectible ;o but who knows if i'll actually go through with it
    yeah i get that part too but i said something like zoloft can cause seizures or something and she actually corrected me and was all never heard of that...? that can happen with xanax thoooo like OOHHH so what you're literally doing to me rn? c: lmfao. i did not have a good day and i think my proff knew too because he asked me if i was okay to work with a partner? which he usually doesn't do so idk

    i don't want to be so pessimistic but like i also have motivation problems and xanax was the only medication i was on that helped me a lot. she literally just took the one thing that helps me. then blabs on about how she's "going to help me" like ok.... i can already feel withdrawls from just one day so WYD gurl.
    i'm actually terrified i'm going to flunk out for sure now because idk how i can improve my grades when i'm feeling like this.
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