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  • nd actually could you remove ruby and biskit, i think it'll look better w/ just 2 villagers nd coco + lucky are cuter c;
    AHHH OH MY LORD that looks suuper amazin nd spooky cc:
    i'm still going to give you 40 cause why noot it's amazinnng thank youuu :lemon:
    i hate him too cause he made the eggs so hard to find :ccc i rlly wanted the oblivia happy egg but almost everyone who gets it is just going to turn around & sell.
    i’ve literally already seen 2 thread with ppl trying to sell some of the eggs for an outrageous amount ... & the event isn’t even over until the end of today lmso like tf chill. it’s just sad these greedy butt heads get just to try to profit vs ppl who actually want it
    don’t be hatin zippers gonna have some hot bunz when the egg hunt is over imagine how many he’s already done. maybe his chicken legs will get thicc too
    i already finished yesterday c: i saw u were in my garden a min ago and i was collecting all the flowers u were prob like dis bitc.... lmao
    i love zipper & his legs he inspires me to do some squats when i get home
    also all i need is floral scramblers & i think i would of been done w/ them but my last batch for somereason i only caught about 4 out of 20 ??? which is so odd considering i've been catching 90% of them lmao
    even just seeing zipper in the header is making me mad i'm just like BITC GET OUT OF HERE before i whoop that a...
    also ik were not supposed to get mad but the comments in the offical thread like "i found like 4 already HURrhrurhru" like good for you...? shut up. lmao
    riiiiGHt like if you just water one flower now i honestly think they're tryna insult you
    idk what i did to this women to deserve this shfkjsdj

    and dude i do not really get the easter egg hunt?? i've never participated in one before. like w/ the link and "CODEHERE" you can just put anything?? like for example if you think the answer is EASTER you'd put that...? if so that's what i've been doing for all my guesses and i just suck so bad loool fml
    i love how pocket camp added the water many option yet someone had the AUDACITY to still come in my camp and water one single flower
    i will start leaving some open tho sicne i'll run out of flowers & need to share scramblers to get more
    lmao nOO it's spring!! i'm tryna feel the fresh grass between my toes okay

    tru... i'm more concerened w/ planting as much flowers that's why i always harvest them all. i want like a million pots of the flowers they are the cutest ones by far ;--;
    yeah ikr ;-; and i mean i swear i've gone in the "online book" before maybe i just forgot what was in there

    that video is so accurate tbh there are some ppl like that are so aggressively 'nice' its weird lolol
    dude omg i'm so annoyed rn. one time in class my proff hinted at us that the answers for the homework are in our book and i always went through my PHYSICAL book and i was like ???? tf no theyre not?
    we have an online "book" it's basially just exercises for practice and it's the exact same questions that are on the homework.... and it gives you the solutions. lol. so everyones been cheating this whole time but me
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