she better!! i will srsly be so mad if she doesn't ;-; i mean a COCO COLLECTIBLE? thats goona look really really cool esp w/ a halloween line-up.
20 mins ago i was ordering pannera and went to go pick it up. my GPS kept saying I was there even though i wasn't??... i was only in the area not exactly where i needed to be. but then the gps would shut off and i didn't know where the resturaunt was so i ended up getting on the freeway. put my gps back to pannera. did it again. i accidentally went on another freeway, couldn't find an exit. lmao i was like on the phone w/ my mom crying/yelling cause i didn't know where I was it was pretty scary :/
then at this stop-light there was these 2 dudes in a car next to me and i just heard "YEAH!!" and i look over & their starring at me nodding their head going "wOO" i texted my friend dominick and apparently that was them saying im hot... lmfao. made me laugh a little tho it was so weird so it made me feel less scared in the moment