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  • lol yeah. i mean im majoring in psychology so i'll have to deal w/ people.
    idk exactly what i want to do yet. im really interested in likee..... mental illness and the brains of serial killers etc. but also on the more normal side i'm interested in the psychology of children and would mayb wanna do something to help them
    If that would be possible, yes please! I also meant to raise my offer from 30 to 40 last night but totally forgot.
    yah it sucks too cause i know if i were to say something back like "sorry ma'am i'm not an expert on hair thats why i work here and not a proff salon" they would probably get offended and mad and i'd get in trouble lmmfao
    true i need a job it’s just like no matter what job u do i feel like i’m going to be expected to help customers with stuff in the store as if i know everything. it was like that at my last job (a beauty store) like some lady cane in asking for advice on perms i was honest and said i’m not sure about it she’s all “umm ... don’t u work here ...” like UMMM didn’t u just walk into a store where employees are paid minimum wage and are not beauty experts obvs ? ;-)
    but it’s like no matter where you’re going to be expected to be some expert at the store like knowww where every item is etc i hate it idk whst to do :/ also

    i really want a new laptop so i can start downloading programs like photoshop nd stuff and practice art and other things. the one i have now really cant handle much. i have the money to get a nice one but if i did buy it then i'd be broke? and idk i don't like having low funds in my bank even if bills are paid and everything, it makes me feel sad lolol
    bahaha omg i agree. i mean the first part of the event i liked though, it was a cute concept they just need to not make it so hard like they did on the 2nd part :c

    & what is that coding though... lmfao. its so much stuff ;-; did you just like have the photos seperate? so like you design the signature but then crop each thing you want to link into a seperate photo and then when you put it all in it looks as if it's just one photo but its not?
    lmao yeah i figured you did since you were close when we last talked about it.
    if u didnt i would of felt bad cause i put them on all the flowers ;--; lolol
    im almost done now all i need is gold butterflys! like 4 or so.
    OOOHHH MY GOODNESS this was completely unexpected!! I'm in love with your style and her expression omgg ;o; it's just so perfect //weeps
    thank you so so much, you're way too kind ariane <33
    omg and theres another huge pile on the other side of my town... if i open my lockers & see more I will actually scream
    RIGHT i didn't even know i spent that much i actually accidentally undownloaded the app and it restarted my whole game so i was contacting them to get my purchases back atleast & was getting my reciepts then saw how much i spent like my god.... i think a good idea would be to take my credit card off my phone cause all i have to do to purchase something is press my thumb on the home key for finger ID so that way if i want to purchase ill actually have to go and pull out my card idk takes more work and i might put it off for later then decide not to.

    nd plss doo. i have a lot of people sending me DIAMOND BUTTERFLYS..? like what an insult... lmfao.
    and they dont give refunds so im mad but w.e
    like $50!!!! i know i should save that but its like if im going to spend it i could of bought 2 new pieces of art from Tifachu cause i really want some, that's money way better spent. I need one for the month of Feburary that's valentines themed. & I joined tbt on valentines day so like... i am the kweeen of valentines day i have to get art for it like dUh
    i only need 2 more winter butterflys then im doneee w/ that one. but i have a bunch of flowers growin now so im sure i'll be done once they bloom. then im 3 gold ones away from being done with the 2nd quest. so 2 more quest after that ;-----;

    the catch rate is horrible on this part of the event but im pretty sure i know why. since paying leaf tickets to loid gets you a guarantee catch i feel like the makers are trying to get us to spend money and buy more leaf tickets lmao. ngl i've set my alarm to wake me up in the middle of then night just so i can check my garden. deiCATION. im not spending anymore $$$. i just checked my apple recipts latley and saw that i spent $50 on that kim kardashian game.... without even realizing how much i was spending cause it was like $10 then $5 etc and it added up. im horrible with money
    umm.... the people on this thread annoy me


    like wot the heck why are you guys hoarding them (they do nothing for you after you catch it...) when you could be helping people who need it? i'll make sure none of them are on my friends list now lmao
    d'awww fank you ♥♥♥ :blush:
    i made the tortoise glasses too cause they're so cute!! but i thought they looked odd on my character. it looks so cute on urs though kinda like an animal crossing version of u irl!

    i'm so happy they just keep adding stuff, i was scared in the beginning that i would start to get bored eventually but noooop. the thing im looking forward to most is the space expansion so we have more room to decorate.

    P.S lmk when you're done w/ all of your quest for the 2nd event. i'm splitting mostly all of my butterflys between you & my friend ailani so that way when ur done i'll just give them all to her
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