A r i a n e

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  • coincidentally you finished it on my birthday aww <3 thank you btw!! im sending the bells right now :)
    I love it! Can you add the little snow effect to it? I'll pay you more for the trouble!
    My brother in law said the entire plot to Star Wars the Last Jedi is on Wikipedia and he read it like a fool. Then got mad because he read it. XD I wondered why he couldn't tell it was the plot to the ENTIRE MOVIE from just the first few sentences. Well I guess he won't be seeing it now. I'm steering clear of Wikipedia lol

    Star Wars is so famous and popular it's hard to not get caught up in the hype whether you are fan of sci fi or Star Wars itself or not. It's just that kind of franchise.
    Thank you so much Ariane! <3 I always love what you have to say ~ cute avatar! By Jint I'm assuming?
    yeah, but if you don't have time you can put like 5 villagers, i don't mind at all! <3 sorry that you've been so busy.
    Not really....my grades are so bad just because I CANNOT STOP procrastinating. I don't know what's wrong with me :eek:
    also is it just me or is it super annoying trying to walk around the R.V? cause it keeps zooming when im trying to walk, or walking when im tryna zoom lmao
    sorry for the late response i SUCK

    & lmao. i always try to keep like 4 of each items in my storage box IDK WHY it just feels good
    glad i could help ;3

    im going to my familys in FL for christmas nd classes are done obviously so im probbaly going to get on here and play acnl!! im excited ^~^
    That's true, if there's a story and a moral, then it's easy to get lost in the story and forget that you're watching a movie with a genre you're not a fan of. Star wars also has a lot of action and there are a lot of mysteries yet to be solved and questions that needs to be answered and it just keeps me coming back that I forget I'm watching a sci fi movie LOL

    Yeah, that's true, especially if people who have already seen it go off on a trolling spoiler rant just because they can. And with Internet, it's hard to avoid these days.
    You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, sometime in the next week or so, my brother in law is going to cart me off to the movies. I love the movies, although sci fi isn't really my thing but Star Wars makes it work, is a great franchise. And yeah, spoilers ruin movies.
    Thank you, it looks great. And it's okay about the delay, I know people do have lives away from the computer. I saw that you went to see the Last Jedi. I hope you enjoyed it. I'm planning on seeing it too, at some point.
    It's perfect! Thank you so much for trying to make the snowballs move. I love the snow falling! It's beautiful! Thank you!
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