A r i a n e

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  • Yep! But I want one without those Stars just the shape. :)

    And I'll send the Bells for this. Thanks!
    Hi Ariane I have a quick question and favor.

    Is it possible to make this my obtained sprite?
    Also could you make my Town Fruit a Perfect Apple basket? :eek:

    Please and Thank You.

    Oh and I'm wondering if you could make the Signature Shape be like my first? I'll send you 35 more TBT for all of this. :eek:
    i’m omw to class rn and this old lady who picked me up ( i ride with uber ifk if i told you b4) but she complimented my outfit saying i looked so so cute for the winter cause i have on this plaid skirt :’~) my day is just made
    i just looked it so cute & christmasty !!! i lov it :)
    sending the tbt when i’m home shortly <3
    also i’m literally so so jealous of all your candys esp cause they’re self purchased ;c if only i wasn’t such a sleepy baby i could of got some
    That's good! Me too!^^b Thanks so much! I sent you a tip for the change~
    Oh... I see. That's understandable. I can't wait for it to be re-opened. ^.^ So... Thanks for letting me know.
    I was wondering if you'll ever open this shop again. I actually wanted to place an order for some blinking icons, but I saw that the shop was currently closed.
    Can you have it as a .MDP (Firealpaca) file? And I know, but it would probably be easier for me to update it myself.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I checked and Firealpaca supports PSD files.
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