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  • Im sorry if im spamming you. XD but im good now. Ive got someone to move out again, i wont tt Hans last day until your online. ^_^
    Hey there, quick question about your signature! Your font link sent me to two different fonts. Which one did you want?
    alright =) do you know anyone else who wants him by any chance? gonna void him soon ._.
    heya, I have O'Hare, do you still need him? 50btb, but has to go as soon as possible =)
    should be original, though I'm not sure if he changed his shirt (they seem to do this quite often ^^)
    Hi, I have O'Hare in boxes in my cycling town! Can leave an offer in the thread if you're still looking for him
    Ok, give me a second to TT Sheldon in boxes. Please add my FC and I'll let you know when gates are open~
    Hi! Someone told me that Sheldon is a dreamie of yours; he's pretty special to me and is moving out of my town so I'd like him to go to a good home. If you want him please contact me soon!!
    I saw you are looking for Sheldon and I have him in boxes in my cycling town if you are interested!
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