Recent content by ACNiko

  1. ACNiko

    Shop Liz's New Horizon Shop & Giveaway - Buy some, get loads free - All tradable recipes available - Open!!

    Hii! I'm looking for - Bamboo shoots - Carrots (1x stack) - Cherries (1x stack) - Cutting Board recipe - Ironwood Dresser recipe - Large Cafe Table - Long Folding Table - Oranges (1x stack) - Peaches (1x stack) - Plain Wooden Stop Sign recipe And if I may wish for 10 free hybrids, I’m looking...
  2. ACNiko

    Splatoon EU Splatfest! North or South Pole?

    North will most likely win, it's the closest pole to Europe. I adore both polar bears and penguins so this is a tough one. I think I'll go with South.
  3. ACNiko

    amiibo Festival Which of the Animal Crossing amiibo will you be getting?

    We'll see which ones I will actually get, but the ones I want the most are K.K. Slider, Isabelle and Tom Nook. Maybe Mable as well.
  4. ACNiko

    amiibo Festival Just saw the price...

    The game will be free to download but aquires amiibo to play.
  5. ACNiko

    What 3DS do you have?

    Regular. Got it in December of 2011 and it's still working.
  6. ACNiko

    top 5 Wii games

    1. Skyward Sword 2. Super Mario Galaxy 2 3. Super Mario Galaxy 4. Go Vacation 5. Wii Sports Resort
  7. ACNiko

    What is your favorite Zelda

    1. The Wind Waker 2. Majora's Mask 3. Skyward Sword 4. Ocarina of Time 5. A Link Between Worlds
  8. ACNiko

    Cats or dogs?

    Allergic to both, but I'm a cat lover. <3
  9. ACNiko

    What should I do?

    Thank you for your answers! I will probably take your advice and get the Majora's Mask 3D Special Edition, a New 3DS can wait. :)
  10. ACNiko

    Selling Simon

    Considering he's a tier 5 villager I could offer 250k, sound good? :) Is he moving out today?
  11. ACNiko

    What should I do?

    So I've had a pre-order of the Majora's Mask 3D Special Edition (European) since November, and I'm really excited to get my hands on the beautiful poster, the cute Majora pin and the great-looking steelbook (oh, and the game as well). However, recently I've become more and more interested in...
  12. ACNiko

    Cycling Dia Cycling Division: BOXES: PEACHES, NEW: BROCCOLO

    Hi, I'm interested in Tammy :)
  13. ACNiko

    Selling tia the normal teapot elephant~

    I offer 150 BTB (and hoping it's a reasonable offer) Or nevermind... I just remembered she's not one of my dreamies anymore. :)
  14. ACNiko

    Post Your 3DS Game Collection!!

    In alphabetical order, Physical copies: ♥ Animal Crossing: New Leaf ♥ The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds ♥ The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D ♥ Mario Kart 7 ♥ Mario Tennis Open ♥ Super Mario 3D Land Digital copies and VC downloads: ♥ The Legend of Zelda ♥ The Legend of Zelda: Four...