top 5 Wii games

1. Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 (I LOVE THEM BOTH AND CAN'T CHOOSE JUST 1 OKAY?)
2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
3. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

I can't choose a solid 4th and 5th, it's all even with:
-Animal Crossing: City Folk
-Mariokart Wii
-Mario Sports Mix
-Kirby's Return to Dreamland

Super Paper Mario and Rhythm Heaven Fever are also great.
That's quite a question...

1. Skyward Sword
2. Twilight Princess
3. Brawl
4. Harvest Moon: Animal Parade
5. Xenoblade Chronicles

And very honorable mentions go to:
Super Paper Mario
Mario Kart Wii
City Folk

This was actually pretty difficult to decide. And I didn't put them in any order, I just chose my 5 favorites.
1. Skyward Sword
2. Super Mario Galaxy 2
3. Super Mario Galaxy
4. Go Vacation
5. Wii Sports Resort
I just love the regular sports, I was the champ at boxing and I was also pretty good at golf.
umm okay I only have four wii games but:

1. Mario Kart Wii
2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
3. Kirby's Epic Yarn
4. Wii Sports Resort

My normal Wii Sports disk is/was defective so I can't play it.
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