Adventure9 Apr 18, 2014 Umm. the monkey can't find your town...could you perhaps try reopening your gates?
o013 WOLF 130o Apr 18, 2014 great thank just have to finish this trade ill let u know when my gate is open
sally. Apr 18, 2014 i'm sorry!! i got held up in something then absorbed in my book ;A; i'll add you and come over in 5 minutes if that's okay with you?
i'm sorry!! i got held up in something then absorbed in my book ;A; i'll add you and come over in 5 minutes if that's okay with you?
L L lady--saga Apr 10, 2014 I could give you a good wifi rating so people will be more willing to trade with you. Since I've been to your town a billion times. lol
I could give you a good wifi rating so people will be more willing to trade with you. Since I've been to your town a billion times. lol