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  • Hi! okay, well just to be safe do you mind visiting me twice? First to clear your void, then I'll TT a day ahead to when Carmen's in boxes & reopen my gate :)
    I am online now. And can pick her up when your ready, but could you add this fc: 2638-1498-2404. She will need to go on my holding town because I can't get people that I want to leave ping me on my main town. ._.
    I have room for her now. Sorry about that, I've been resetting my second town and filled some spots with villagers. ._.
    I can just go ahead and give it to you now! I may take a bit bc I have to go soon, so tomorrow seems like the best time to trade(get Annalise) if you're alright with holding her. The earliest I'll be on tomorrow is 1pm (PDT). (It's like 5:30pm rn.) Leme go ahead and get things set up and I'll VM you when gates open!
    my town is actually full rn so is there anyway i can pay you ahead, tt someone out, then come get annalise?

    Replied to your Keaton topic. I would like to have Keaton. Is 3 million bells for him OK? I have 1 million in my pockets and would go to the ATM in your town for the last 2 million. I have added your FC in the mean time. Mine is the following: 4313-1249-5334. Visitor would be Zulehan from Besaid.

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