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  • Ok cool I'll open my gates right now for the minimalist set my town is Luxerion mayor name Jake:)
    I'm actually just finished, so I can do this whenever, now! ^^ I'll make sure I added the right FC, just let me know whenever you're ready to come over and I'll open my gates!
    I'm actually just selling some turnips in another town ;u; I'll message when I'm done, but if you're not online hopefully we can do this later ^^
    hey! I'm in UTC+00:00, it's 5:01pm here, I'll be online for about 4/5 more hours on and off so we should have a chance to meet!
    hey I'm ready now, but I see you're not online, so just VM/PM later when you're on again! ^^
    Hey! it's me I ordered the Rococo set I added your friend code and I'm online do I go to your town or do you go to mine? Thank you:)
    I actually got them from another user already, but thanks anyways!

    and i'm going to make the giveaway in about an hour or so, if you want to check it out and enter it's free, it's going to be the ABDs, bells, golden roses, and some other stuff
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