Tease Nov 3, 2015 Hi! My big order was actually for my friend, is it all right if you drop it off in his town instead? I will be there though of course!
Hi! My big order was actually for my friend, is it all right if you drop it off in his town instead? I will be there though of course!
rrenaa Nov 2, 2015 Okay Deal On All The Orders And Oh Well Can I just have these kitschy clock and kokeshi doll
ElysiaCrossing Nov 2, 2015 I'm actually on right now. haha. i'll add you! how much do i owe you? and my town or yours?
ElysiaCrossing Nov 2, 2015 oh shoot, i missed you. send me a pm when you're on. i get emails whenever someone pm's me so it's the fastest way to get a hold of me. but yeah i'll be on all day.
oh shoot, i missed you. send me a pm when you're on. i get emails whenever someone pm's me so it's the fastest way to get a hold of me. but yeah i'll be on all day.
ElysiaCrossing Nov 1, 2015 gah. i completely forgot i had to trade with you, but you're not online.. i'll be on for most of the night, just send me a pm when you're back online!
gah. i completely forgot i had to trade with you, but you're not online.. i'll be on for most of the night, just send me a pm when you're back online!