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  • I played a lot of For Glory before because I didn't really know or post a lot in the smash pages and had no one else to play with until like last month! Its just a little unsettling being attacked like that and so I will probably take a little break from smash to play other games.... after getting Bayo and Corrin later today lol!
    my smash spirit is a little shaken after last night so i wasn't looking forward to playing... but yeah I was cursing the TV at those SDs lol! its always fun to play you and see the mastery... even if I despise cloud as he is the worst opponent for Game and Watch basically lol! see you around :D
    hey! I came back from the loser's bracket :D lemme know a good time we can knock out this last match! I should be around all day EST wednesday... just shoot me a VM when you are around
    If the transfer went smoothly, just sent me a message when your ready to 'trade' again. Hope everything went well, and you have your save files!
    I am starting to get better with Dedede too... I thought about using him, also Samus sometimes, but I wasn't confident enough to use either! hopefully I will come back from the losers bracket!
    lol I'm happy you switched! made me look a little better haha! wish I hadn't freaking fallen off randomly right at the start.... must've been the nerves
    heyyyyy! I can do our match either tomorrow night or saturday all day! unless we get a ton of snow and I can't go to work tomorrow then I'm free all day friday too
    do you want to wait a little bit? I feel like we are always on together and can do it whenever, but I'd like to let the loser bracket catch up first
    Thanks for all those games!

    I have to ask, though, do you use a gamecube controller? I use the gamepad and I swear I try to do a move and nothing happens, and I see you doing all these combos that I can barely try to do and end up either doing some other move or just not doing anything at all (sometimes I can't even go through platforms without difficulty, but that's probably my fault).
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